The Deep State Mafia Is Running Both Political Parties - Journalist Whitney Webb Reveals

2 months ago

The Deep State Mafia Is Running Both Political Parties - Journalist Whitney Webb Reveals

July 19, 2024


Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

Journalist Whitney Webb investigates why Palantir Co-Founder Peter Thiel is donating millions of dollars to J.D. Vance and the Donald Trump campaign.

Palantir also managed the HHS Protect database, a secretive database that hoarded (and still hoards) information related to the spread of Covid-19 gathered from “more than 225 data sets, including demographic statistics, community-based tests, and a wide range of state-provided data.” At the time, HHS Protect was criticized by several public health experts and epidemiologists, among others, because of the sudden decision by the Trump-era HHS to force US hospitals to provide all data on COVID-19 cases and patient information directly to HHS Protect and, thus, to Palantir.

Hospitals were threatened with the loss of Medicare or Medicaid funding if they declined to regularly feed all of their COVID-19 patient data and test results into the HHS Protect database. Palantir declined to provide information on any safeguards it had in place to protect Americans’ health data in any of its HHS-related programs, despite requests to do so from Senators and Congressmen. HHS Protect also later incorporated HHS Vision, an artificial intelligence–driven “predictive” component, which “uses prewritten algorithms to simulate behaviors and forecast possible outcomes.” Aspects of HHS Protect share remarkable similarities with the scrapped TIA sub-program known as “Bio-surveillance.”

Not only that, but a long-time consultant to Palantir, Avril Haines, was a key fixture at the controversial pandemic “simulation” in late 2019 that was tied to previous, intelligence-linked biosecurity events like the 2001 anthrax attacks. Haines, a former CIA deputy director, worked very closely with her superior, John Brennan, at the CIA, including during the time Brennan illegally surveilled Trump associates during the 2016 election cycle and helped propagate and develop the “Russiagate” narrative, which Haines is now conveniently resurrecting. Haines, shortly after participating in Event 201, joined the Biden administration and has been serving as the administration’s top intelligence official – the Director of National Intelligence – since Biden took office in January 2021.

Palantir is also controversial among the America left for its role in using big data to facilitate ICE raids on migrants and its decision to pilot its “predictive policing”, i.e. pre-crime, functionality in low-income, minority communities. Ultimately, Palantir – like many of the other military/intelligence contractors with close ties to Peter Thiel – is a tool of the National Security State, which has been ramping up its “War on Domestic Terror” apparatus that – per government documentation – will target dissent on both left and right and essentially anyone who attempts to stand, or even speak, against government overreach and criminality.

With Thiel, Palantir and Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale now pumping millions into the Trump-Vance campaign after the recent VP announcement, it seems almost inevitable that Palantir and the other Thiel-linked military contractors will have even more influence in a second Trump administration than it did during his first term.

Read her latest article here:



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About Clayton and Natali Morris:

Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else is telling. Along with the facts and the full picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton's extensive journalism experience, he isn't afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.

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