Demon's...Fathers 1st Commandment & Saving Grace...🙏

7 months ago

~ My "Family" abandoned my niece, just as they abandoned me...
~ Do not turn from those in your family who were born troubled, love them, show you care, no matter how hard of a struggle it may appear, it is the loving family who cares and protects the troubled family member that is blessed...🙏
~ Do not judge one another, you have not walked in the shoes of those you Judge...
Father does know us, our lives from beginning to end, that is why he Saith:
🙏...Judge not, yet you be judged...🙏
🙏...Vengeance is mine saith thy Father...🙏

🙏...Love those who hate you, for compassion can turn a hardened heart into a heart of gold...🙏
~ Thumbnail pic, the corner ripped from it was done when I was pulling it down from the wall where the corners were taped, holding it on wall...It was written and given to me by the senior pastor at the:
Walk to Emmeaus #220 retreat weekend in Pheonix Az Nov 2012...
I hope he is appreciated, and valued where he is presently serving, as much as I appreciate and value our time shared serving thy Father together.
We all fall short, he and I are no exception, for I KNOW Father was there that weekend, amongst all his servants, sharing in the collective spiritual energy that only exists when Father's children come together, and celebrate our Father, in an thru his Son, the Christ, and grow and share our experiences with one another...🙏

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