The Formation and Ambitions of the Russia-Communist China-Iran-North Korea Axis of Evil

6 months ago

07/22/2024 U.S. Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster on the Russia-Communist China-Iran-North Korea Axis of Evil: The current axis of evil stems from the close relationship between Putin and Xi Jinping, who perceive the U.S. and the West as weak, thus aligning with Iran and North Korea. They are determined to overthrow the existing international order and establish a new one that favors their authoritarian regimes.
#AxisOfEvil #NewInternationalOrder #Putin #XiJinping
07/22/2024 美国陆军中将H·R·麦克马斯特谈俄罗斯-中共国-伊朗-朝鲜邪恶轴心:当前的邪恶轴心源于普京和习近平之间的密切关系,他们认为美国和西方软弱无力,因此与伊朗和朝鲜结盟。他们决心推翻现有的国际秩序,建立一个有利于他们独裁统治的新秩序。
#邪恶轴心 #新国际秩序 #普京 #习近平

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