In The Name of Zion

7 months ago

Are you afraid to gain information that challenges your preconceptions?


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." — Kevin Alfred Strom

- Who tortured and abused and persecuted and killed Jesus Christ and his disciples?
Was it the Romans? No, it was the Jews.

- Who burns Holy Bibles?
Is it the Muslims? No, it is the Jews.

- Who owned the slave plantations in America before the civil war?
Was it white man? No, it was the Jews.

- Who runs the child sex trafficking rings?
Is it pedophiles and drug cartels? No, it is the Jews.

- Who caused World War 1?
Was it politicians? No, it was the Jews.

- Who caused World War 2?
Was it Adolf Hitler? No, it was the Jews.

- Who wages war in the middle east?
Is it terrorists? No, it is the Jews.

- Who uses Islam as a hammer to destroy Western Civilization?
Is it arabs? No, it is the Jews.

- Who are you not allowed to question or upset or criticize in society?
Is it the government? No, it is the Jews.

- Who suppresses the free speech and practice of Christianity in society?
Is it atheistic humanists? No, it is the Jews.

- Who controls all the money in the world?
Is it merchants and businesses? No, it is the Jews.

- Who controls all the "big tech" technology and corporations and spy and dark web fraud networks?
Is it the NSA and CIA and DARPA? No, it is the Jews.

- Who controls all the news media and public information?
Is it independent journalists? No, it is the Jews.

- Who wants to kill and enslave everyone on Earth?
Is it religious extremists? No, it is the Jews.

- Who controls nearly all the "Christian" churches in America, and Muslim and Catholic religions worldwide?
Is it independent organizations and groups? No, it is the Jews.

- Who desecrates and sacrifices children and drinks their blood and sells their body parts?
Is it satanists? No, it is the Jews.

- Who are the most arrogant, deceitful, malicious people to ever exist?
Is it the NAZIs? No, it is the Jews.

- Who is performing the Q-anon psychological operation against conservative Americans?
Is it military intelligence? No, it is the Jews.

- Who is strangling and sucking the life out of all nations on Earth?
Is it the globalists? No, it is the Jews.

- Who holds the biggest social victimhood card?
Is it impoverished black families and abused children? No, it is the Jews.

- Who was installed by Trump into the Pentagon while fomenting US-China-Russia nuclear war?
Was it the "Deep State"? No, it was the Jews.

- Who created and runs the porn industry?
...Yep, you guessed it! The Jews.


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