2G 3G 4G 4G+ & 5G mast Faulkner Grove Bangor 22/07/2024

7 months ago

This dangerous telecommunications mast located on the West Circular road Bangor in very close proximity to residential houses located in Faulkner Grove. Very high readings from this monster, which is less than 40 feet from peoples bedrooms.

Research conducted on people living near masts show an increase in headaches, sleep problems, tiredness and fatigue, loss of breath, breathing problems, depression and depressive symptoms, memory loss, tinnitus, irritability, difficulty concentrating, libido, vertigo, dizziness, dysesthesia(itchy skin discomfort), blurred vision, nausea, lack of appetite, cardiovascular problems.

There are also numerous papers linking exposure to EMF/RF and microwave radiation with suicide and depression

Why are our children being exposed to this pollution in the very places you expect them to be safe??

Microwave radiation is Immunosuppressive, You can’t see it, smell it, taste it, but it’s damaging effects are accumulative. Human-made electromagnetic fields cause oxidative stress and damage our DNA, leading to increased cancer risks.
There are now numerous studies confirming a link between EMF radiation exposure and negative psychiatric symptoms in humans and animals. Depression, psychosis, obsessive-compulsive behaviour, hostility, and anxiousness.

It’s time to take action. Contact your local planning office and ask to see:
1) any and all Environmental and health impact analysis reports taken before mast planning applications granted.
2) Public liability insurance details of masts to prove they have the appropriate cover for possible damages resulting in harm to persons or property from pulsed microwave radiation and any exclusions of cover.
3) Councils policy about granting planning permission for masts in close proximity of nurseries, schools, colleges, retirement homes, hospitals, health centres, play parks etc without use of the precautionary principle.
4) The structural integrity report for the mast and its insurance for structural integrity, fire and fatigue collapse
5) Details of the councils public consultations with nearby residents, schools, businesses etc

You can use this link to request a freedom of information request directly from Ards and North Down council


They have a legal obligation to answer

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