Comment 188: What Any Thinking Person Should Have Discovered By The End Of 2021

7 months ago

Comment Number 188 is on LINKEDIN. What any thinking person should have discovered in 2021 is that millions, no billions of people confuse "Talent", their "Education", Inventiveness", "Training and Skill Sets" or "Skill Acquisition" with "Intelligence". Thinking and Intelligent People are a rarity in modern society. What any thinking person should have learned in 2021 from this realization is just how "Indoctrinated", "Programmed", "Media Controlled", "Mind Controlled", "Manipulated", "Psychologically Regimented", "Dimwitted" and "Simple-Minded" millions, no billions of humans really are. This discovery will lead you to finally accepting P. T. Barnum's statement as being true - "A Sucker is born every minute". Malcolm X is also correct when he said Black Democrats are "Chumps". A statement attributed to Vladimir Lenin is also correct - "Western Liberals are "Useful Idiots""

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