America and how it used to be.

7 months ago

Back in my late teens and early twenties I remember an American that quite different then it is today. People were kinder to one another. The democrats were a little less nutty but the were not unhinged and crazy like they are in 2024. I think the socialism that they adopted and sank into their minds and soles have totally corrupted them. Where and when is it okay to mutilate a young teen that is confued about their sexualality. Instead of lopping off body parts how about letting them go through adolescent or get some professional help. Then when they have hit eighteen then they can decide if they want to lop off part of their body. I mean if you can't buy cigarettes, or take pills at school without permission or drink or even join the military unti you're eighteen then why are the socialist democrats so he'll bent on allowing these kid to lop and chop when their so young?
Two Ideas. The socialist are mentally ill or they're groomers. That's about it.


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