No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 018: Config file, logging, texture handling, investigate rotate

5 months ago

Streamed on 2024-07-22 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

We started with some light tasks: fixing some logging, removed compiler warnings, logging Scheduler load, changing the way the config file is written out, and updating logging to write to a file when in release mode.

Then it was time to tackle texture handling, adding a TextureStore to save space and image loading time. It was much simpler than I thought it would be and didn't take as long as expected, which left us more time to play.

I used the extra time to implement a handy "Cheat" button in the UI. It only works in debug builds, and is there to speed up tests. I promise there will be no remnant of it in any release build.

With the last bit of time we revisited the rotate/scaling issue. I think I found the problem at the end, but didn't have time to implement a fix. Basically, I was inverting the Y coordinates in the Vertex buffer, which is like adding an extra transform stage into the sequence, which makes the y-transform add up incorrectly.

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