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Crooked Teeth, Jaw Shrinkage, Fary Tales & Math
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Crooked Teeth, Jaw Shrinkage, Fary Tales & Math
Crooked teeth aren’t bad genetics. Our history proves it as our ancestors had perfect teeth. They didn’t have their wisdom teeth removed either. Our jaws are shrinking.
Shrinking Jaws: A Bite Out of Human Evolution
The human jaw has been a topic of fascination and debate for centuries. Archaeological evidence suggests a shift in jaw size over time, with some proposing a trend towards smaller jaws in modern humans. This essay explores the reasons behind this potential shrinkage, drawing on archaeological, biological, and even fringe theories.
Fossil Jaws and Dietary Clues: Archaeology Tells a Story
Archaeology offers a window into the past, allowing us to compare jaw structures of our ancestors with our own. Studies on hunter-gatherer societies from the Paleolithic era (2.6 million – 11,700 years ago) reveal robust jaws and larger teeth adapted for a coarse, fibrous diet. These individuals relied heavily on hunting and gathering, consuming tough meats,nuts, and roots. Their jaws possessed the strength needed to break down this challenging food.
As societies transitioned to agriculture in the Neolithic period (12,000 – 6,000 years ago), a shift in diet occurred. The rise of farming led to a reliance on softer, processed foods like grains and cooked vegetables. This dietary change may have contributed to a reduction in jaw size over generations. The argument goes that with less need for powerful chewing muscles, the jawbone itself wouldn't require the same level of development, leading to a gradual decrease in size.
A 2015 study published in PLOS ONE [1] examined jaw and teeth from archaeological sites across Europe, the Near East,and Anatolia. The researchers found that the jaws of early farmers were indeed smaller than those of hunter-gatherers.However, the change wasn't simply a matter of size reduction; the jaw shape also transformed. This suggests a more complex evolutionary adaptation driven by dietary shifts.
Wisdom Teeth: Evolutionary Baggage or Potential Threat?
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final set of teeth to erupt, typically between the ages of 17 and 25.However, these teeth often lack sufficient space in modern jaws, leading to impaction and requiring extraction. This phenomenon raises questions about the evolutionary significance of wisdom teeth.
Some argue that wisdom teeth were more advantageous in the past, when a tougher diet necessitated additional grinding power. As our jaws shrunk due to dietary changes, wisdom teeth became vestigial organs – evolutionary remnants no longer essential for survival.
However, the issue of wisdom teeth impaction may be more a product of our modern lifestyle than jaw size alone.Processed foods may not stimulate jaw development as much as traditional diets, leading to a mismatch between jaw size and wisdom teeth emergence.
Modern Influences: Beyond Diet
While diet is a major factor, other influences might contribute to shrinking jaws. Modern medical advancements,particularly the widespread use of antibiotics, may have reduced the need for powerful jaws to combat infections.Additionally, the shift towards softer processed foods may have weakened jaw muscles, impacting jaw development in children.
Environmental factors like pollution and hormonal changes could also be at play, although more research is needed to establish a definitive link.
Little Grey Aliens: A Fringe Theory on Human Evolution
The "little grey alien" conspiracy theory posits that these extraterrestrials are actually our future selves, having evolved smaller bodies with larger heads and reduced jaws due to technological dependence. This theory, however, lacks any scientific basis. It relies on speculation and has no grounding in established evolutionary principles.
There's no evidence to suggest humans are evolving towards a grey alien-like form. While our jaws may be shrinking, this is likely a slow, gradual process driven by environmental and dietary changes, not a sudden transformation into a new species.
The Intriguing Link: Heavy Metals and Jawbone Health
Enter the realm of heavy metals. These elements, found naturally in the environment and introduced through human activities, have been linked to a variety of health problems. Could they also be impacting jaw development?
Here's where the plot thickens. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic are known to disrupt bone metabolism. They can interfere with calcium absorption, a vital mineral for bone growth and development. Studies have shown that exposure to lead, even at low levels, can lead to decreased bone mineral density [2]. This raises a crucial question: could chronic exposure to heavy metals be contributing to the observed reduction in jaw size?
The theory goes like this: with increased environmental pollution and industrial activity, humans are exposed to low but persistent levels of heavy metals throughout their lives. These metals could be subtly affecting jaw development,particularly during critical growth periods in childhood and adolescence. The delicate balance of minerals needed for proper jawbone formation could be disrupted by these heavy metal interlopers, leading to a gradual decrease in jaw size and density.
Building the Case for Heavy Metals:
* Disrupted Bone Metabolism: As mentioned earlier, heavy metals can hinder calcium absorption, a cornerstone of healthy bone growth. This disruption could directly impact jaw development.
* Endocrine Disruption: Some heavy metals have been shown to act as endocrine disruptors, interfering with hormone signaling pathways. Hormones like growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) play a vital role in bone development. Disruption of these pathways by heavy metals could lead to stunted jaw growth.
* Oxidative Stress: Heavy metals can generate harmful free radicals, leading to oxidative stress. This cellular damage can impair bone cell function and hinder jaw development.
Conclusion: A Shrinking Future?
The evidence suggests a trend towards smaller jaws in modern humans, likely linked to dietary changes and a shift towards softer foods. However, the reasons behind this shrinkage are complex and likely involve a combination of factors.While the "little grey alien" theory is pure science fiction, the evolution of the human jaw serves as a fascinating reminder of how our bodies adapt to changing environments and lifestyles.
Further Research:
* The role of epigenetics (environmental influences on gene expression) in jaw development.
* The impact of modern medical advancements on the need for strong jaws.
* Comparative studies of jaw size across different cultures and ethnicities.
The human jaw and its evolution are a captivating topic, offering insights into our dietary history, adaptations, and the ever-changing nature of our species. I believe there is a link to us shrinking and turning into the supposed future of ourselves as little grey men with big eyes, small mouth, no nose and ears. The grey aliens have told us that there was an event that happened which brought the human race underground. This is what they evolved into. Or if it’s not future self traveling back in time, could we purposely be transforming ourselves into these creatures?
I want to believe in aliens from another solar system. I want to see exotic technology. I want to explore the universe and see new planets and meet different species. But, I have this nagging feeling that man just doesn’t belong out there. We have so many roadblocks and it almost seems to be on purpose to keep us here. The Van Allen belt is 7500 miles above earth and it’s very dangerous. NASA says there is a gap they fly through in tandem with speed so they cab can get through safely. Then after we pass mars, before we reach Jupiter, there is an asteroid belt with millions of 1 mile long rocks and debris left over from some planet that got pulverized. We are told that the distance between the rocks are 600,000 miles apart. But they disregard the smaller ones. Tiny rocks and sand. Mariner 4 passed through and experienced a barrage of showers that did some major damage to it. Yet we are told that it’s not a big deal.
Then there are the ufo community and new age channeling groups that gives us a perspective of how that is all avoided by bending space and time. Wormholes, whether natural or created, can place a ship from one point in space to another bypassing all of the space junk. How is it possible that humans have figured this out? A few hundred years ago, we were riding horses and practicing black magic to obtain fantastical creations yet we were able to skip a progression of let’s say conservatively thousands of years of knowledge to arrive at a destination which proved impossible to reach. I have a thorn in my side about all of this. Especially the Nazi Bell technology America obtained from world war 2 German scientists which we are told was top secret. Popular mechanics magazine during the 40’s and 50’s wrote about antigravity and how the future will change dramatically thanks to modern physics. Then NASA shows up and we go back to rockets. Popular Mechanics never wrote about antigravity again. Why?
I believe it’s because exotic spacecraft that can maneuver between space, our atmosphere and water is the ultimate technology of control. If the simplest explanation tends to be the correct answer, then antigravity does exist and it’s being used right now against the people. Werner Von Braun’s death bed confession admitted it. He told his assistant the elite need a boogie man for control. He said first it will be the Russians, then men in caves, then asteroids and the last card is aliens. All staged to keep us afraid and divided. Imagine the air show you can create with space ships. It would scare the living crap out of the willfully ignorant. Men’s hearts will fail for fear. And today, the push for disclosure is getting attraction thanks to conditioning us through movies and commercials. The hardest part about faking a species from another world would be to genetically engineer mankind into something different. Splicing animal genes and dna using crispr technology to birth an appearance of the strange and unworldly.
Is that possible? Russia and the United States divided the German scientists among a themselves. The USA retrieved rocketry and antigravity while the Russians received the human hybrid experiments that the Germans were working on. Believe it or not, Germany was trying to defend itself against the Rothschilds whom had complete control of Europe through central banking and had to think outside of the box to dazzle the world and control the narrative themselves. They failed after world war 1 and the technology was given to the allies after world war 2. Secrets that remained because of the cia who invented the psychological phrase conspiracy theories to convince the public this other worldly technology came from another solar system and not our own. Today, the world leaders control every aspect of the movement of progress through secret societies and blackmail under the guise of the Jesuits and their usury of the name Jesus. A group of supposed atheists whom actually practice black magic and turn it into technology in what we can now call transistors and computer processors. I want to believe that there is a race of intelligent beings out there that is looking after us but given the data on this, there is more evidence suggesting spiritual or interdimensional beings than physical that are visiting outside our planet. Our cell phones capture more ghosts than extra terrestrial biological entities. That’s just common sense.
So to sum up, we are led to believe that other worldly beings are here and always have been here. In our scrolls, native cave drawings and stories or legends that get passed down from generation to generation. I propose that mankind has made all of this up for control. To keep us worshipping outside influences through religion and fairy tales instead of rising up against their power. Isn’t this why the military industrial complex puts more money into mind control than to traveling to space? We went to the moon and barely went back yet we read stories of putting railways on it for mining and colonization. Yet nothing happens except poverty, debt and internal spying. Religion has always been the tool for the bloodlines to control the peasants. Technology has changed that. The peasants need a new belief system for the fourth Industrial Revolution. Instead of devils and angels, the peasants will get a new lie. Fantastical creatures from other worlds with impossible spacecraft. It will be a new tax system with the promise of utopia in smart cities outside of nature. All planned and well coordinated. I want to believe it. It sounds exotic, adventurous and fun. But common sense tells me it’s just another fairy tail.
Statistics - Math
Should we be concerned about aliens or extraterrestrial biological entities? Let’s look at the math. Only one in a million million has the right combination of chemicals, temperature, water, days and nights to support planetary life as we know it. This calculation arrives at the estimated figure of 100 million worlds where life has been forged by evolution. Our earth, if pushed 1 mile towards the sun or 1 mile further away will not support life. The odds that you would be born is 1: 400,000,000,000,000 trillion. Between us and another galaxy, to travel to another planet would take 749,000,000 million years. The odds of opening up a worm hole portal to another galaxy is incalculable. The ones we have actually found are so small and unstable, we couldn’t even record it let alone fit through it. And to travel through a wormhole, it is absolutely impossible for organic material to safely pass through. Wormholes are created by gravity that bends space to a pinch which shoots you out the other side. Your body would stretch from the beginning to the end and come out disfigured. This is absurd. We are told natural wormholes do exist but the odds of you seeing it is incalculable. Not only that, space travel is too dangerous without a debris force field. We can’t make one for a home during a tornado, and we think we can make one for space? And, you need gravity to push an object. Newton’s third law doesn’t exist in a vacuum. This means engines will spray exhaust out the ship but without resistance, the ship will sit there until something hits it. Solar wind sails is the only feasible way of moving through a vacuum. They use protons or light to push the sail but the debris in space will rip it apart before it gets to the asteroid belt. And how do they get through that? Solar wind travel is slow. Very slow. The idea of rocket scientists being smart is the great joke on you. Just because they want it to work, doesn’t mean it will. And the Van Allen’s radiation belt? You need 2 feet of lead on all sides to keep a human safe yet not one astronaut who passed through it got cancer traveling with a tinfoil erector set. Space travel for humans is impossible. Even an antigravity ship can’t travel by bending space and time outside in a vacuum. We are stuck here folks. No way out except by death.
This means there are no space creatures in the third dimension. This is why the elite had to invent the concept or inter-dimensional beings and timelines. To give a more plausible answer to what we are witnessing. Transparent beings that vibrate in and out of our timeline. It’s a deception to continue the control grid of our prison planet. Only the angelic can move and travel beyond the stars with just a single thought. No motors, crystals or machines. This angelic force is recorded throughout all religions via cave drawings, tablets and scrolls. The laws of thermodynamics, space and time do not apply to those that exist outside our third dimension. These conscious beings do not have the ability to manifest from their fourth dimension to our own. It would be like fitting a 500 ton metallic triangle into a coffee cup. They simply don’t belong together and never will. But they can send echos throughout their dimension to ours. These are the ghosts and objects that move defying common sense and logic. These are sounds, lights and orbs we see and hear throughout the air. What would make more sense is a spiritual world that is very close to our dimension. Heavenly beings that don’t belong here working in tandem with man to bridge that gap. This has been recorded throughout history through religious and secular text dating back at least 4,000 years. Some say longer. Black magic and rituals using ingredients, body parts and exotic rare materials were used before the transistors, microchips and quantum calculations. These machines were introduced to us before the great flood. Mayan rocks, cave drawings, tablets and scrolls depict flying machines and window consoles. Evidence that the Smithsonian has been hiding since its inception.
The real reason the first book of Enoch was removed from the canon was the exposure of the watchers who were called the sons of god that saw the daughters of men and had wives and children with them. Genesis 6 talks about them too. But Enoch goes into greater detail where even Jesus quoted the book. Those sons of god created hybrid children that didn’t belong here. They left their estate to rule this one using their kids to war with man. Their children were the giants who ate mankind after they stripped the lands of resources. This was the reason for the flood. Since those giants did not belong in the third or fourth dimension, their spirits were trapped here in the third without a body. These are the demons, Draco’s, devils, Jiins, genies, leprechauns, elementals, Bigfoots and other mystical creatures we have recorded throughout the centuries with great and vivid detail. They have the ability to control us through song, vibrations, meditation, drugs, alcohol, dance and thoughts that lower our defense mechanisms. We are to guard our spirit, body and soul through the constant prayers and focus on Jesus of Nazareth who set us free from their bondage if we choose to stand on the cornerstone that holds all things together. You don’t have to be religious to find Jesus either. You just have to believe he set us free by his blood sacrifice and gave us the tools and power to ignore the evil ones. In the old days, when we committed a great evil against our neighbor, we had to sacrifice our greatest producing animal which would be equivalent to an earning business nowadays to atone for that behavior. The idea was the more you listen to the demons, the more broke you become. Instead of the devil made me do it, we now replace it with extraterrestrials. As our belief systems change throughout the centuries, so does the invisible fourth dimensional beings change to adapt to our beliefs. They feed off our negative energy or what we call sin. They are like dying batteries that get a boost from our anger, hate, division, jealousy, covetousness, theft, murder, drunkenness and sexual perversion because it’s what they were and did in human giant form. We had no defense against them 2,000 years ago. Our inheritance and flesh belonged to their fathers thanks to a poor decision by our great ancestors who were not satisfied with the throne and crown of earth and everything in it. I believe the story of Adam and Eve is missing many factions that makes this entire story fit together. We somehow are left with spiritual amnesia when the fallen angels with their leader took our rights away.
4,000 years after the great flood, which all religious doctrines all believe happened including the new religion called science that believes in a god that you cannot prove it exists, called math. The fallen angels were let loose once again to carry out their objectives they started 6,000 years ago. To create their own children again and rule the world by using them to do the dirty work. If inter-dimensional beings satisfies your belief system, then we can agree that we both believe in the fourth dimension. This is where the air is. All matter doesn’t belong there. Somehow, the fourth dimension beings can see us and control us yet we do not have the power to eradicate their agendas. They use man by giving them technology and knowledge to help expand their kingdoms in exchange for worship and sacrifice of human beings. In ancient times, man would offer virgins and babies to the gods. Now, they are abducted and used for medical experiments. If you are caught up in the inter-dimensional beings instead of fallen angels, you are believing the same thing just in different perspective and tone. Both are the exact same thing but twisted to fit the times so it makes sense. Math, fairies, aliens, angels are all the same thing. Fourth dimension beings playing with an estate where they do not belong. The truth will eventually come out and everyone and every opinion will be satisfied. This is starting to happen now as the book of revelation means unsealing of lies. The bloodlines that have helped the fourth dimension beings are losing their cloak. They are being exposed as a cult that murders for these beings to gain power over mankind. Armageddon means lifting of the veil so we can see what is actually behind the curtains using magic, sorcery and technology to control people. Do aliens exist? Not from our dimension. Fourth dimension beings do and they are trying to invoke the biggest magic spell ever created. To merge the third and fourth dimension together so the fallen ones can rule us as gods. It happened before and failed. This too will fail when the father sends his son to rule over all. You can call Jesus an inter dimensional being. Then yes, they do outside our plane.
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