Scott Ritter: Hezbollah CRUSHES the IDF and Embarrasses Israel in Stunning Defeat!

7 months ago

Scott Ritter: Hezbollah CRUSHES the IDF and Embarrasses Israel in Stunning Defeat!
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Scott's New Book:

Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector for the United Nations in Iraq, leading the search for Iraq’s proscribed weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Ritter was a vocal critic of the American decision to go to war with Iraq. His new book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union, is his ninth.

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