Larry Eissler

8 months ago

As Seen on the 44th Annual Telly Awards winning series, Expedition Entity, from the PARAFLIXX Paranormal+ Network. Larry is an author, filmmaker, and historian who focuses on lesser-known haunted locations in the American Midwest. His current research project focuses on the Black Hawk War of 1832, where he has published his findings in his book "Ghosts of the Black Hawk War." Larry is also the co-author of the fictional book "Afterlife Anthology," which he wrote together with Dan Norvell and published through Haunted Road Media. "Afterlife Anthology" is a collection of paranormal short stories, where the story is told from the ghost's perspective, that are loosely based on Dan and Larry's paranormal investigations or real life circumstances.
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We end up talking about japanese hotels and bathrooms. Tatami mats . shadow figures.

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