Your Soul is the True Being

7 months ago

Deep State’s latest gambit involves replacing Vice President Kamala Harris with Hillary Clinton

A United Front. In this crucial hour, it is essential for all patriots to unite behind Trump and his mission. The future of America hangs in the balance, and only through collective action can the nation be steered back onto the path of greatness. The Deep State may be powerful, but the will of the people, when fully awakened and mobilized, is an unstoppable force.


Breaking News

There are high-level intelligence meetings going on now, sources involved say. Let us see if the mass murderer benyamin satanyahu is arrested.

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Benjamin Fulford

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You Must See This! Russian Scientist Photographs Soul Leaving Body And Quantifies Chakras

The ZIOPIGS deleted the video from one of my blogs

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What is the true person inside your soul?

It is your I. Your I is the core of your being. Around your I you have your consciousness. Your I and consciousness consist of energy and as ...


My teacher shared this SECRET with us. But her greatest FEAR is CAPITALISM would take over the presence of God, thus would ERODE OUR CONSCIOUSNESS due to GREED.

Alix G Jardine
Former Proprietor at Simplyhealing (2007–2018)4y

There is not one true person inside the human Soul. The Soul is group in Nature and Christ consciousness is the representative of the whole Soul of humanity irrespective of which or no religion a personality subscribes to or moves towards.

All religions have correspondences. In actual fact, though the heart is known as the seat of the Soul advanced people have two connections, heart and mind. So as mentioned by Hermes Trismegistus in the Emerald Tablet as within so without, as above so below.

The human Soul is within and without us. It’s the highest part of our lower concrete intelligence. We are not one personality but many we are one person who is always connected to others.

The endocrine system when aligned enough via the triangle in the head deflects solar energy through the crown and brow chakras via pineal, pituitary, and Alta Major centre activity. The heart is activated through the thymus gland and the individual Soul who exists in a physical individual human being is then aware that they are not alone and aware that they have had many lives.



The Real You - Alan Watts

Alan Watts breaks down what's wrong with the world - Part 1 (1970)

Alan Watts breaks down what's wrong with the world - Part 2 (1970)


Why has Communism failed?

Because the system robs you of your SOUL! Their 'god' is the 'Party leader'.

Why did Capitalism fail?

Because the system denies you of your SOUL! Their 'god' is 'TOTAL GREED'.

What is this new system?

A Fair & Just World that values the SOUL!

If you allow me to make this comparison the difference between me and Lee Kuan Yew is about the soul. Let me share with you this article.

The last words of Steve Jobs

I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.

In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.

However, apart from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed.

At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death.

In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artificial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me.

Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth?

It should be something more important:

For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood.

No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me.

God has made us one way, we can feel the love in the heart of each of us, and not illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my life, I cannot take them with me.

I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love.

This is the true wealth that will follow you; will accompany you, he will give strength and light to go ahead.

Love can travel thousands of miles and so life has no limits. Move to where you want to go. Strive to reach the goals you want to achieve. Everything is in your heart and in your hands.

What is the world's most expensive bed? The hospital bed.

You, if you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you.

Material things lost can be found. But one thing you can never find when you lose: life.

Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls.

Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends...

Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors.


For this 'new system' to succeed we need a leader who is in touch with his or her own soul so that he can light up our souls and shine for Singapore.

“When a nation got no ideas it is because the individuals have not.” - Frank L. Wright.

Mahatma Gandhi had given a piece of advice to his son before he died. He said, “If you believe in something strongly, you have to go all the way to achieve it. In the middle of the journey, if you discover that it is a mistake then you must give it up immediately. But if you still believe it is the right thing to do, then you should pursue it until the day you die.” In short, he was telling his son not to give up if he still believed in his dream.

What my mother said left a very strong footprint in my mind she said, “It is so sad that no one is prepared to make sacrifices in life to chase for a higher ideal and if we continue in this manner to chase after money we will lose our soul and thus be heartless and this will be very sad for humanity.” (I hope you understand why I needed to keep sending proposals to the government even though the civil servants do not welcome it.) She said that it was very sad because most people's very existence is just to chase after money instead of striving for a higher ideal in life. What I could not believe to hear my uneducated mother who was born in China say, “If we do not chase a higher ideal in life we are just living like animals.”

We will not only lose the meaning and purpose of our life but it will be a great loss for humanity if life is all about money. She said that the world would go from bad to worse; what she really meant was that the future society will be a cold and heartless one without compassion for our fellowmen, except for themselves as the ‘Me’ factor will be a very strong influence in our life especially when the whole world embraced Capitalism as a newfound “Religion”. This means there is no Hope for mankind. I often asked God, “Why have we lost faith in men by surrendering to our destiny instead of fighting back with our strength and belief? We should make the world as it should be instead of accepting it as it is.

World Harmony Day is a good way to bring us to world unity and spiritual education is the key. Whether anyone acknowledges my work or not is not important. What’s important is that I needed to be in harmony with ‘The Consciousness’ or with Almighty God. People like me who believe in spirituality must do God's work, come what may, I know God will guide me to the true path. And the true path is to nurture a compassionate society to build a better world for children. Loving God is striving for greater humanity that’s what World Harmony Day is all about – Peace, Harmony, and Unity.

In silence, I had chosen to make this personal sacrifice to bring glory to Singapore. (Great vision does not come from people with paper qualifications it comes from the soul with love and passion.) Hence, I had made a vow that I would walk the spiritual path to keep my soul intact for the sake of greater humanity, and in exchange, I asked the greater power to help me free my mind in order to free my soul.

Just like my mother, I am also very concerned for Singapore’s future as the direction taken by the Government in the early 60s just focused on making money instead of nurturing the human soul, which is the true asset of the nation.

Philosopher Kahlil Gibran on The Tension Between Reason and the Silence Required for Thinking

Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931) published his masterpiece, The Prophet, in 1923. The work endures as a timeless meditation on the art of living. Gibran’s thoughts on love and giving offer a glimpse into his genius.

Reminding one of the struggle most of us have with the three marriages, Gibran illuminates the beautiful struggle that exists within all of us between reason and passion.

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against your passion and your appetite.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.

But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements.

Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.

Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, that it my sing.

And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.


Thus, I hope that sharing my experiences and the motto Not To Give Up, especially in Singapore and the world will inspire the youth of tomorrow to get their strength back to believe in themselves that they have all the potential to achieve the impossible too. The impossible is for the unreachable and that’s the belief of a true idealist. Happiness in life is to be able to reach out to the impossible, and chase your dreams and even high ideals, as you expand your thoughts with great imagination and thus push your potential beyond your wildest dream. How wonderful if everyone can think in this manner because all our problems will be gone just like mine did. The preoccupation of the world’s problems seemed to make my problems, so irrelevant and insignificant. I never failed to constantly remind myself when my personal life took a toll on me.

The meaning of my life is to live it meaningfully by striving for greater humanity, instead of trying to chase the material path and be what I am not, for this will add strain and stress to my life. In this pragmatic society life is already so stressful, so why should I fall into the trap set by man, instead I work hard and smart by using my brain constantly with my spiritual guidance close to me, which is ‘My Soul’ – The Consciousness, to give me confidence as I embarked on this exciting and challenging journey to search for the unknown. Only God knows where I should be heading and my job is to keep on working hard to the best of my ability or until my pocket is empty then I will stop and find a job. (When you are hardworking God will not let you die alone instead you will be rewarded plentifully.)

All we need is to learn the ‘Art of Living’. In order to achieve it, first, you must be in touch with your soul. Your soul is ‘The Consciousness’. You have to please this soul first because this soul is your spiritual partner. When you leave this world, this soul will join you and not others. With this self-realization, you will be awakened to the meaning of your true existence. When your soul is happy, you will be even happier because you will look ten years younger or even more, maybe half your age. The secret lies in understanding this philosophy, that outward beauty is a gift from God and the inner beauty needs to be cultivated by us who desire it and set a plan and work towards getting it. Once you are able to embrace love and attain your inner peace you will see a bright glow on your face and your whole aura will change – “Peace emanates from the soul, and is the sacred inner environment in which true happiness unfolds”.

Come what may or say what you like, still, I never lose interest in understanding deeper into the matter of human relationships, enhancing my all round knowledge to the path of wisdom, enabling me to clear my doubts, fear and above all, cope with those who are better than me. What is important that I have learned from the experiences of my life is that I must know who I am and what I want out of life. By understanding our own values, we are seeing things in their true light, whereby we will be able to walk on the right path toward our goal. And I have chosen the spiritual path to enlighten my life to reach my goal. The spirituality that I try to live by is very simple-minded spirituality and that is by making life meaningful and wonderful not only for myself but the people around me. In short, through my spiritual pursuit, I will show them the way to their enlightenment - ‘The Consciousness’.

Through nurturing arts with the understanding that “Art is the human expression of that love and Love is God. Love is the connection to God” we can bring back faith in humanity. Art has spiritual power and the potential to be the Universal Language for the world, with this knowledge and wisdom I believe Art could shape the future with great faith because we need the future’s world to be ruled with love and this balance is long overdue for the whole of humanity. Do Singaporeans understand why Brother Joseph McNally had sacrificed his entire life to build LaSalle? All these years of sacrifices what did he get out of it? He got nothing in terms of monetary gain but what he got is the love of God. Like Bro Jo, I too believed that Art has a hidden spiritual power and only those who believe in it could bring out this kind of power even without education. Sad to say that we have allowed Capitalism to take over the meaning of our existence, for this reason, we have witnessed so much violence in this present world. There is an urgent need to bring back the ‘Spirit of the Human Soul’ to save humanity.

A Great Nation must have Art as its core because true art is the best way to bring back our soul as it distracts us from the materialistic world. I know that art has a spiritual connection to ‘The Consciousness’, especially the performing arts. It cannot be bought. We cannot have art just because our leaders want it. We cannot just say,” We have money now, we are ready for art, and we must have art”. Similarly, the Government can’t just expect the citizens to produce babies,” Now I wanted so many babies, go and produce and I will pay you so much per head”. It is very worrisome with such a pragmatic attitude as I already heard young couples that just got married and they are delaying the pregnancy to wait for the Government's announcement of how much they will be paid per head. How can a strong and meaningful society evolve through the Capitalist meaning of You give me so much I will pay you so much? It would be sad and worrisome for future generations if this were the way to go in nation-building.

I strongly believe once we allow Capitalism to dominate the world, it will attack our minds, our culture, our religion, and other things will become the target and this means our emotion is eliminated thus we can’t feel our souls because money has replaced our consciousness, thus a sense of Godliness in us! Therefore, in our present society, the artists and we must be fully aware of our time and try to understand the crisscrossing and complex social and cultural problems before we will be able to contribute and reintegration by implanting an enthusiastic creativity into the growing generation. The artist must become a conscious and responsible co-worker in the struggle for permanent peace, solidarity, and cooperation between the various national, religious, and ideological groups so that the present selfish attitude will disappear and what appears to be a better society will feel with love and compassion for humanity. (The ‘Band-Aid’ and ‘Live Aid’ spearhead by Mr. Geldof was a very good example of how one artist with ‘The Consciousness’ had made a difference for the people in Ethiopia where the Capitalist world had turned a blind eye to its suffering?) That is why I believe creative arts with its character are one of the greatest influences in social and cultural reconstruction because of its suggestive and evocative power.

There is also a great need to create the awareness that ‘Tolerance to World Cultures Diversity Equal Harmony’. The New World Order should make the effort to promote, develop, and integrate World Cultures, instead of creating chaos for the entire world because without order and direction where will we be heading? The New World Order should be shaped by Artists whose creative imagination, feeling, compassion, and intuition are able to penetrate deeper into ‘The Consciousness ‘and ‘Sub-consciousness’ of man, so that man becomes moved, motivated, and propelled to action and reach a harmonious world order and to achieve a new golden age, richer, more creative and, hopefully, happier than the one the politicians, economists, religious and social leaders had given to us.

Many intellectuals will say that it might sound impossible or too far-fetched for artists to take the lead to harmonize the world, but if you don’t try you will not know whether we could achieve it or not. “What people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can."- Henry David Thoreau. There is always the first time for everything and now the time is right to explore, as there is the need to expand our horizons into this untouched area. In order to fulfill or realize this high ideal, we must as Singaporeans be totally committed and dedicated to helping each and everyone to understand the importance of bringing our soul back where it should belong to help build a stronger and freer Singapore, especially for future generations.


NB: The above materials are taken from my yet-to-be-published book "My Spiritual Journey"

Please watch these 2 videos,

I Was An MIT Educated Neurosurgeon Now I'm Unemployed And Alone In The Mountains How Did I Get Here?

I Had Bad Feelings Doing What I Was Told To Do So I Tried To Bury The Feelings And Lie To Myself

Goodbie is still searching for the meaning and purpose of life and doing these videos is self-therapy.

I am very blessed because when I am upset or angry with society I just right out my feelings talking to God. In the West, you go to a psychiatrist and you have to pay so better self-heal like my teacher told us and I did it by writing.

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