7/21/24 Valley of Blessing. ❤️

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The Valley of Blessing
July 21, 2024 Veronika West

The Valley of Blessing: In the midst of the Battle — Victory is yours!
I hear The Spirit say, ”I will not deliver you from it, but I will deliver you in it — for I AM taking you into The Valley of Blessing in this hour!”
Early this morning while in Prayer, I was led by The Spirit to a valley. As I ached the foothills of this deep valley, I could see in the distance what looked like an ancient Gate.
As I approached the Gate, I was immediately drawn to a large sign that hung above the gate it read, “Valley of Blessing”!
From where I stood, I could see the lush green pastures of the valley, enormous oak trees lined the boundaries of the valley and as far as my eyes could see, beautiful wild flowers grew.
There was a deep and distinct fragrance of lavender and hyssop that was carried on a gentle breeze, and I could hear the sound of cooing doves.
Now as I stepped through the ancient Gate I could see a glistening River that ran through the valley. I could see and hear the rushing of the river’s current.
Then suddenly I became aware of the presence of Angels all around me. I could not see them, but I could feel them.
As I continued to walk further into The Valley, I could feel the weightiness of God’s Presence, and Glory begin to settle over me.
The deeper I went into The Valley, the heavier The Glory became. Then I heard a gentle whisper that said, “This is the place of Promise and Increase!”
I could feel the tender touch of The Father’s Hand upon my shoulder; I could feel the rhythm of my heart being synchronised with the heart of The Father.
My eyes became illuminated, and my mind became acutely aware.
I could feel the vibrations of The Glory as it penetrated the deepest parts of my being. I was being fully restored and fully revived!
I could feel a deep spiritual exchange taking place, and by Divine Revelation, I knew I was receiving a greater capacity and greater ability to carry more.
Then I could taste a sweet wine upon my lips. This was the New Wine that was being poured into the New Wine Skin!
Here in The Valley of Blessing, my spirit was being recalibrated, revived, restored and awakened by the power of His Glory.
My spirit was being ignited, increased and illuminated — things would never be the same again!
Here in The Valley of Blessing, I was receiving a fresh infilling of Glory and Power — I was experiencing a fresh Baptism of new Life and Liberty.
As I came out of this encounter, The Holy Spirit led me to His Word, where he confirmed to me what I had just seen.
I believe this is a now Word for many!
This is what The LORD says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s!
You will not even need to fight. Take your positions — then stand still and watch The LORD’s Victory!
Singing to The LORD and praising Him for the beauty of His Holiness, they went in front of the troops, and this is what they sang, “Thank The LORD —- because His Mercy endures forever!”
Now when Judah came to a place overlooking the wilderness, they looked toward the multitude; and there were their dead bodies, fallen on the earth. No one had escaped.
Then King Jehoshaphat and his men went out to gather the plunder. They found vast amounts of equipment, clothing, and other valuables — more than they could carry.
There was so much plunder that it took them three days just to collect it all!
On the fourth day, they gathered in the “Valley of Blessing”!”
I Prophesy : The fourth day is here!
I see many being led into The Valley of Blessing in this hour.
Here in this place you will experience a deeper encounter with The Glory of God.
Here in this valley you will receive increase, infilling, ignition, illumination, restoration, revival, recalibration, new life and power.
I Prophesy : God is giving you the Victory in the midst of fierce opposition.
He is leading you from the valley of struggle and defeat, disappointment, infirmity, tragedy, loss and limitation into The Valley of Blessing, abundance, increase and rest.
I Decree : Your battlefield is becoming a blessing field! Your valley of brokenness is becoming a valley of bounty and beauty.
This is “The LORD’s Battle”!
He instructs you, “Beloved be still, fear not! Only sing of My Praises, and watch as your enemies are utterly destroyed, for you shall inherit the spoils of war, and I shall give you more than you can carry and I shall deliver you into The Valley of Victory, Blessing, Increase and Overflow,” says God.
Photo ©Micheal Wilson
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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