“All Over the Place at Once” -220

5 months ago

Isolates on the reasons for being “all over the place in the start” including the purposes of finding the chroma and value range needed, keying, for a particular impression whether painting the sun or simply whites indoors.

In Response to J Rob

QUESTION: A finished painting is just a pile of paint on a surface. I don't see why you can't successfully paint an impressionist peach as a single object, and then move to a different object in the scene and paint that successfully.
The "all over the place at once in the start" seems highly distracting, especially in a still life with artificial light. The still life is going to be the same tomorrow and none of the shapes or colors or tones are going to change. Once you've set up the still life, you've fixed all the relationships. Finishing one object is not going to change how you paint the other objects because the other objects have already been chosen and placed according to the aesthetic intent, and if you paint them as positioned, you should produce a successful painting.
J Ro


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