The Mysterious Adventures of Dr. Watson

6 months ago
The Mysterious Adventures of Dr. Watson Now Available on Kindle Vella!
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(Not my work. Supporting a fellow new author.)
The Mysterious Adventures of Dr. Watson is part of the Vellys, go and leave a like and a comment to give a first time author a boost in this exciting competition!
The first ten chapter are free!

The war to end all wars. If ever there was a noble calling, a worthy cause surely it was this. As my grandmother before me, I felt bound in honor to offer my skills to the cause. Not as a nurse, as she did, most worthy woman, but as a doctor, a surgeon, to enter the field of battle, of honor, of glory.
Perhaps had I not been so arrogant my fate would have been different, perhaps not, shells fall on the prideful and humble alike, and my mind, body, and health shattered I found myself invalided in the home of my Uncle’s friend, Mycroft Holmes, the great sea itself between myself and home.
I am told that I will be made useful in some capacity and I think I could be quite content here, if only I can find a way to control my temper with the younger Holmes brother. The man will go out of his way to be vexing, it cannot only be my shattered nerves that makes it seem so.
Excerpt from the journal of Doctor Johana Hariet Watson

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