The Ego’s “Solutions” to Its Delusions – a weekly group discussion with James

6 months ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for July 9. : "The Ego’s “Solutions” to Its Delusions. The ego has no lasting answers. Letting go of our programs." You can review a written version below.
Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'

Every situation is your life is here to help you grow, heal and awaken. Pay attention to the words you use. An effortless accomplishment. How to offer gratitude for every experience? Learning to trust in the Divine Design. Bringing your light into the darkness. Letting go of your auto-responses. Becoming grateful for your past challenges. What if every moment is a gift from God to you? Living in a constant state of gratitude. Gratitude is the response of one who understands what is truly going on. Just do what brings you peace. What would god have you think, say and do, and think, say and do only that. Learning to have self-grace. Challenges are a sign of God's trust in you. Patting yourself on your back for having challenges. Learning how to humble yourself. Humbling yourself opens you to God. Past/present/and future self. Appreciation for all your past self has done to help you become who you are today. Practice seeing yourself as God does. Knowing when the ego is in control of your mind and thinking. Thinking in alignment with the mind of God. Purification is simply recalling and supporting the love that God created you to be. Only the Truth is true. Learning to see past the ego's stories. Each moment is a sacred co-design with the Divine. Practicing non-judgment. Practicing self-non-judgment. No matter how dark the moment is you are always just a simple choice away from peace. I want peace instead of this. I am worthy of peace.

July 9. The Ego’s “Solutions” to Its Delusions

We have tried to deal with our problems in a myriad of different ways. Then, as soon as we do, more problems pop up insisting that they must also be solved in order for us to have peace of mind and joy. Is it any wonder why the ego’s “solutions” to our confusion make us feel frustrated, tired and stressed out? Feeling frustrated, tired and stressed out are all symptoms of believing that an illusionary set of tools can solve our delusional thinking. There is no need to judge and punish ourself and others for thinking that the ego’s dream is real. That behavior would only feed and fuel the ego’s dream. Instead, let us realize that those who feel this way do so because they have been taught to see, interact with and participate in the ego’s fairy tales as real.

Today, let us put an end to trying to rationalize our judgment, stress, anxiety and anger. Let us no longer blindly take the ego’s bait, no matter how many times the ego tries to convince us that “now,” “in this situation” or “with this specific person” is the time to use its tools and mindset. Today, let us stop traveling down the ego’s dead-end roads that we now know, thanks to our life experiences, only lead us to more confusion, pain, chaos and regret. We have the scars to prove that we have fought in the ego’s battlefields long enough. It’s time for peace. It’s time to place our life fully in God’s hands, where it belongs. It is time to trust that our Divine plan is perfect and perfect for us. Understanding the plan we co-created with God is perfect, today let us allow gratitude to replace our judgments and fears, and peace to replace our anger and pain. In doing so, joy will replace our sorrow, and the problems we once had will turn into gifts offered to us by God to help us all grow, heal and awaken.
We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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