163: The Second Commandment of God

6 months ago

We owe reverence to almighty God because He is a Lord of infinite majesty, and of infinite bounty.

In the Second Commandment God commands us in the first place to show due respect to His divine majesty. This we must do in the following manner:
We should frequently call upon the name of God with true and heartfelt devotion, especially at the commencement of all we do and in time of trouble.
We ought to show respect for all that appertains to divine worship ; more especially for the servants of God, for holy places, sacred things, and religious ceremonies.
We ought frequently to praise and magnify almighty God on account of His infinite perfections and goodness, especially when He reveals His perfections in a special manner, or confers a benefit upon us.
Furthermore, God prohibits everything which is a violation of the reverence due to His divine majesty; and in particular:
Taking the name of God in vain.
Swearing. By this is meant the use of holy names in a moment of anger as an imprecation against certain persons or things.
Indecorous behavior towards persons who are consecrated to the service of God, holy places, sacred objects or actions.
 Blasphemy. Of this sin those are guilty who revile God, His saints, or speak contemptuously of objects connected with His worship.
Simony. This consists in selling spiritualities for money, or the equivalent of money.

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