CNN's Stelter Admits He Allegedly Didn't Vote For President

6 years ago

Conway then demanded to know “what evidence do you or anybody at CNN have” on collusion, adding that she felt the network was intentionally misleading viewers.

“You’re trying to conflate it to make America think that somehow Donald Trump didn’t win this election fairly and squarely and you know he did,” she said.

As the two continued their sparring match, Conway implied Stelter was on particular side of the political aisle, which he promptly denied, saying he’d chosen neither the Left nor the Right.

As proof of that, Conway fired back, “Well tell America: Did you vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? How did your wife vote?”

“I did not vote for president,” Stelter told Conway. “I left the spot blank of the ballot that day.”

Stelter added that it was inappropriate for her “to go around asking people who they voted for.”

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