2024 SHUV SHOW: “An Alternative Dementia of Time” When you reap the leadership you’ve sown

6 months ago

“We’ve Slipped into An Alternative Dementia of Time”
When you reap the leadership you’ve sown.
Christene Jackman ©6.19.2024

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
Tonight’s topic is: “We’ve slipped into an alternative Dementia of Time. When you reap the leadership you’ve sown.”

When mankind veers off God’s Path and rebels against His laws, eventually bad things happen. When a society pursues the pattern of “and everyone did what was right in his own eyes,” extreme evil, defilement, and oppression is the pit that awaits. No one can whine when Divine destruction descends. You have been warned. You disregarded, distained, and stiffened your neck, refusing to repent.

Consider this: Because of rampant vileness, the Lord unleased the Great Flood a mere 1656 years after creation! Note how warped people got in such a short time. Is that maybe why God shortened mankind’s lifespan after the flood—to slow down the spread of wickedness? A 1000-year lifetime for an unscrupulous person would allow time to dream up and execute a ton of evil. Scripture says that all flesh became so corrupted that the Lord sent the Global Flood to erase the world that was . . . "

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