2024 Shuv Show, "Honoring Your Parents, When the Going Gets Tough," Christene Jackman

4 months ago

Shuv Show: Scriptural Insights from a Messianic Perspective.
Shuv Show: “Honoring Your Parents," When the going gets tough
Christene Jackman ©5.8.2024

"Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman. Tonight, we’re going to discuss the subject of “honoring your father and mother.” Here’s what the Bible says regarding honoring your parents . . .

. . . But what do you do when you have parents whose actions go against the Word of God? Some parents can be even downright evil. You can honor the office of father or mother, but never give honor to the evil. For example, one might say: “My father was an alcoholic and my mother, a narcissist. But because their bad behavior, I learned to be strong.”

No. Do not ever give evil the credit for the strengths that God gave you. Rest assured; God has given you the good you possess. You survived: despite the abuse, not because of it. If having evil forced on you is good for making you grow, then why is God going to eradicate sin in the new heavens and new earth? Evil is not good. But God is."

Shuv Show: Scriptural Insights from a Messianic Perspective.
Hosted by: Christene Jackman, Messianic singer/songwriter, Biblical Hebrew student.
"Shuv" is a Biblical Hebrew word that means to "return, turn back."
Understand that ancient Near Eastern Biblical blood covenant is forever.
Covenants that God enters into stand forever--because He lives forever.
According to Scripture, His Law is holy, just and right.
If God knows the end from the beginning--and He does--He never needs a Plan B.

Shuv Shows Focus: A call to return, to shuv, to the covenant faithful lifestyle modeled by Messiah Yeshua, and the faithful ones of the Tanakh, (Gen-Mal).
The Written Torah contains the Terms of the Ancient Covenant(s) and is the obedient and grateful Lifestyle of the Redeemed Community.
Jew & Gentile: One in Messiah Yeshua.

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