Having a "Debate" With a Commenter | Differences Between Democrat & Republican Saga

7 months ago

I made a video a week ago that no one listened too all the way through. The point was to be a commentary on the Trump events on Saturday July 13 @ 6:11pm, but clearly this video was not fully listened to, as almost all of the comments were just attacking me, signifying these people only listened to the first couple minutes and then decided they wanted to fight.

Regardless, one commenter (who also didn't listen all the way through) started their comment with the request to have a debate.

I have chosen to accept and here is my response to the statements left by this viewer.

Since debates are traditionally done in real time, I tried to "real time" this as best as I could by speaking off the top of my head. In post, I edited in proofs and/or corrections, but for the purpose of a debate, everything was off the cuff as I blindly understand things.

Last, the commenters identity has been left anonymous on purpose to protect them. If you do figure out who left this comment, don't contact them or anything. This was meant to be a debate between us two only, no need to drag this commenter into other nonsense.

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