2024 “Conspiracy Theories: A Dangerous Distraction” Christene Jackman, a Messianic Viewpoint

7 months ago

Shuv Show:
“Conspiracy Theories: A Dangerous Distraction”
Christene Jackman ©5.14.2024

"Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
Tonight’s Topic: “A Dangerous Distraction”: What people refer to as “Conspiracy Theories" . . . I am astounded by the vast array of weird ideas out on the internet, especially YouTube. Truth is doubted, denied; Lies are guarded, evil called good. For many, Feelings, not Facts, determine their “Truth.” But a half truth is still a whole lie. Installed on a man-hewn pedestal, Feelings proudly lift the chin, the faithful face down in ignorance obeisance. Tilted heads and narrowed eyes suspiciously regard Facts, and are just as quickly rejected, because they do not line up with their mindset. The Scriptural “Belt of Truth” that girds and controls runaway feelings has been wrenched off, tossed aside in the dust of “Well, I think. Well, I feel…”

But Feelings, AND Faith, must be corralled by Facts. Why? Because Faith can waver, Feelings are often fickle, but Fact always remains the bedrock.

Feelings and what you have faith in: must be brought to the Source of Truth, the Lord and His revealed Word. There is only one reliable source of Truth: The Word of God: Beresheet (Genesis) through Revelation. All issues considered must start with these statements:

• Let’s go see what God says about this issue.
• Let’s check our presumptions, because they can be wrong.
• Let’s consult the entire Scriptures, looking within context.

This is what’s sorely lacking today. These attitudes are rampant: “I think, I feel, I believe, the majority must be right, We’ve been doing these practices for hundreds of years—how can they be wrong.”
But they can be wrong, and many are just plain rebellion against a holy God . . . "

Shuv Show: Scriptural Insights from a Messianic Perspective.
Hosted by: Christene Jackman, Messianic singer/songwriter, Biblical Hebrew student.
"Shuv" is a Biblical Hebrew word that means to "return, turn back."
Understand that ancient Near Eastern Biblical blood covenant is forever.
Covenants that God enters into stand forever--because He lives forever.
According to Scripture, His Law is holy, just and right.
If God knows the end from the beginning--and He does--He never needs a Plan B.

Shuv Shows Focus: A call to return, to shuv, to the covenant faithful lifestyle modeled by Messiah Yeshua, and the faithful ones of the Tanakh, (Gen-Mal).
The Written Torah contains the Terms of the Ancient Covenant(s) and is the obedient and grateful Lifestyle of the Redeemed Community.
Jew & Gentile: One in Messiah Yeshua.

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