AUGUST 2024: What America & The World Needs to Consciously Know

2 months ago

The strong advice, “The inner voice must not be ignored,” reigns absolutely critical to adhere to for August 2024, anywhere across the globe but especially here in America. Are YOU truly prepared to so?

August 2024 brings in the storm to remain in the extremely pressurized eye thereof as so very many discerning sources have been forewarning for a very long time. Astrology and Numerology 110% back them all up as multi-layers of the most intense cycles humanity has ever seen converge, will be critically aligning during the 31 delicate days of August 2024.

GO TO for more deeper dish Collective & American Forecasting for August 2024:

Mastering Mercury Retrograde:

Healing The Heart of America, 04 July 2024 - 2025

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