2024 SHUV SHOW, “End Times Insight Within Malachi 4,” Christene Jackman

7 months ago

“End Times Insight Within Malachi 4”
Christene Jackman ©6.11.2024

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show, I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
From the Shuv Show Series, “Out of Context”: “End Times Insight within Malachi 4." I was moved to delve into tonight’s topic after hearing, one time too many, that Malachi 4:6 is all about father/child relationships, a paternal thing. No, something much more imperative is going on here than just a vague, “parents need to be better parents.” Also, Malachi 4:6 contains the word “curse,” kay’rem in Hebrew, meaning “doomed to destruction, utter destruction.” That sounds ominous. Clarifying the correct meaning is crucial, don’t you think? We’d better know exactly what we must do to avoid this horrific curse with its annihilating consequences.

So, let’s read Malachi 4 together, in context, because when studying Scripture, you need to keep things in context, context, context. Did I say context? Ok. Also, remember the essential fact that Scripture deciphers Scripture. We’ll uncover an excellent example later in the show . . . "

Shuv Shows center on Scriptural Insights from a Messianic Perspective.
Hosted by Christene Jackman, Messianic singer/songwriter, Biblical Hebrew student.
"Shuv" is a Biblical Hebrew word that means to "return, turn back."
Understand that ancient Near Eastern Biblical blood covenant is forever.
Covenants that God enters into stand forever--because He lives forever.
According to Scripture, His Law is holy, just and right.
If God knows the end from the beginning--and He does--He never needs a Plan B.

Shuv Shows Focus: A call to return, to shuv, to the covenant faithful lifestyle modeled by Messiah Yeshua, and the faithful ones of the Tanakh, (Gen-Mal).
The Written Torah contains the Terms of the Ancient Covenant(s) and is the obedient and grateful Lifestyle of the Redeemed Community.
Jew & Gentile: One in Messiah Yeshua . . . "

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