Why Do Women Gas Light Men? - MGTOW

7 months ago

Life After Women
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Fat Cat and here's what she has to say: "Hello Sandman, During my last chat-request I told you about some of the predatory men I ran into and why I typical ask for clear non alcoholic drinks when I went to bars. When my age was in the one digits, I had a middle age man talk to me, follow me and run after me. I lost him before I took the train home. I was already living in Europe. All I'm saying with this is that I know about predatory men. If I want to talk more about them and what level of trauma it caused, there are other platforms I can go to. Anyway, the men I generally deal with are less problematic and sorta sweat. I had a guy in my room and he caressing one of my melons. In less then a minute he found himself on the other side of a locked door. My biggest concern was how I missed that he had a crush on me. I'll even give him points for getting his sister to find out what my favorite drink is. It seemed more like interest then predatory to me. He was pretty gently fondling moi. To bad that I was not attracted to him. He seemed sweet. We kept being cordial. That was easy since he didn't try anything again. He made a move and got answer. No harm, no fowl as far as I'm concerned. I haven't seen this guy in 20 years or so. I told hubby this story in more detail years ago. He surprised at about the ending since he was ready to punch
him. After that encounter I told a mutual friend who had an ex that spread bad rumors about him. Most men respond to this story by wanting to beat up the man that tried taking advantage of me when I tell them this story. It feeds into the all men are sexual predator narrative. The guy in the hotel room even if he did scare me, he stopped. Why do people have such hard time that this is all it was? He would not have even be in my room if I think he was a danger to me. In that lies another problem. I like your take on it and maybe why men are so eager to beat up other men if you have time. Kind regards, Fat cat." Well Fat Cat thanks for the donation and topic. You wanted me to call this video predatory men or something like that. But in a way you sound like a predatory female. You invited a guy to your room and then got upset when he fondled your flesh folds. Don't tell me you were naive enough to think that he didn't see that as an invitation. A while back I put out a video about a guy that was invited by a girl over to her place and they hung out in her bedroom and then said when he made a move on her she got upset because they were just friends and threw him out of her apartment.

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