Kim Clement - Two Term Presidency 6/17/2007

5 months ago

Kim Clement - Two Term Presidency 6/17/2007 San Jose, CA

“God says a President that I will bring into the White House they will say he is ungodly, he does not know God. Even as Jesus disguised himself for the great feasts, so I've disguised this man's heart. When he comes to the White House not only shall he be Mine but he shall pray as a man that has never prayed in the White House. That same man shall put his feet onto this platform. They will say how did this take place? Laws shall change. Young men and young women will have access into the kingdom and with authority into politics and with authority into the industries that now have been controlled by darkness because of this man that shall rule for two terms. Do not fear there will be no unnecessary stuff. There will be things that men shall question. Fear not for he shall sit in that seat and suddenly My Spirit shall come upon him and baptize him with a fire and with anointing says the Spirit of the Lord. No more war. The time for war has gone. The time for Peace has come. The House that you call White shall receive a man, a knight, who fought for you in your nights.”

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(For educational purposes only, not affiliated with any of the mentioned in the video)

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