Who then is that faithful and wise steward? (God Blessed Servant ) Part 1 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Servant-hood / Stewardship - Part 1 of 2
July 21, 2024

Who then is that faithful and wise steward?
(Being the Servant Whom God Blesses)
Text: Luke 12

Objective: that the brethren may be faithful and wise servants to the Lord

Define – steward, servant, faithful, wise
Previous sermons of same theme

Characteristics of a faithful and wise servant:
1. Aware of the wiles of the Enemies (Devil and wicket people) – v.1
2. Mindful of the facts about his Master (God)
a. He knows everything – vv.2-3
b. He can punish with the most severe of punishments – vv. 4-7
3. Speak well of his master’s work/purpose – 8-10
4. Learns and takes/observe the Leadership well – vv. 11-12
5. NOT COVETOUS – vv. 13-34
a. The master will take care of you and your needs
6. Ready, Alert – vv. 35-40
a. Girt, lights burn, immediately, watching, not surprised
7. Faithful and True to his master and himself – vv. 41-43
8. Well Rewarded – v.44
a. The opposite is true – punished – vv.45-48
9. Knows the Lord well
a. He will come / visit / judge some day – v.49
b. His purpose – to divide – vv. 51-53
c. He expects much of us – 54-59

Let us be faithful and wise, do the service of the Lord, His will, and do it well.

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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