July 22, 2024

7 months ago

This song is absolute fire! I too hath become a firestarter with this one. Heareth our rendition of the famous tune and dance in merriment, Firestarter originally by The Prodigy thee drop a liketh & subscribeth for more of our sweet melodies as they are released upon thineselves. We hope to see thee in good stead on the morrow! When the night doth descend,
I await thee, and thou approachest.

Be sure to subscribe for more content here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA_GCogdjMaVjv19y3gl6NQ?sub_confirmation=1

You can find this track and more on Spotify!: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1BMITM12bahSSVJjmdDmuF?si=w5-NzQc7RTKperbORmdPwQ

Followeth Me On:
â–ºSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1BMITM12bahSSVJjmdDmuF?si=xtWtgCDqTcmMjeXccnj4Jw
â–ºApple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/bardcore/1537773807
â–ºAmazon Music: https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B08M3K9Z9V/bardcore
â–ºFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/BardcoreOfficial
â–ºInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/bardcoreband/
â–ºTwitter: https://twitter.com/TheBardcore

For more of our covers go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7lhIIIUUaA&list=PLNBGdTWnQ7ck2LRP86SjcVRr5uHzz2Rqp&ab_channel=Bardcore

Ye Olde Lyrics:

I am the woe bringer, mischief instigator,
I am the fearsome thrall, perils illustrated.

I am a flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer,
Thou art the flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer,
I am a flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer.

I am the wretch thou despis'd, filth enamored – yea,
I am the torment thou tast'd, well intoxicated.

I am a flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer,
Thou art the flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer.

I am the self-scarred, mind detonator – yea,
I am the one tainted, twisted animator.

I am a flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer,
Thou art the flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer,
I am a flame conjurer, twisted flame conjurer.

#bardcore #keithflint #theprodigy

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