Bone Orchard - Mirror Image - 1988/2024

8 months ago

Ⓒ Corcoran 1988 Ⓟ Corcoran BMI 2024

Third song from upcoming album, Flacco Loco, (due out sometime in late 2024). I waited 36 years to put this one out. This song is about the primary reason I walked away from a somewhat successful, previous band due to the fact that someone in that band was ripping off my newer songs and musical ideas at the time, and attempting to get his pirated versions out before I got mine out, so it would look like he had the ideas and I was stealing from him. Sick situation indeed.

It had been an inside joke in that group since its inception that this person had a habit of “borrowing” from outside people’s/groups’ songs/music to a very obvious degree, but we looked at it then that that was his problem, not ours. Who cares? That was, until it became my problem, and then I bailed and formed this band 36 years ago.

All instruments and vocals courtesy of M. Corcoran (the "last man standing").


When I look at you, I see me.
Listening to you, I hear me.
Lines blur into one another, we're so close I start to smother.
Sometimes I get the feeling I'm being watched.

Mirror image, just a pane of glass.
The mere reflection without the class.
Mirror image staring back at me.
If you put yourself in my shoes, would you like what you see?

If I can make you, then I can break you.
You're forever at my mercy.
Un-incredible simulation standing there in hesitation,
Always waiting there for my lead.

Mirror image, just a pane of glass.
The mere reflection without the class.
Mirror image staring back at me.
If you put yourself in my shoes, would you like what you see?

Every time you see me smile, I'm laughing in your face.
'Cause you trust in the notion that you can't be replaced.
An imposter to the throne, it's very clear
That if I choose to walk away, then you just disappear

The responsibility for making you look good
Is sometimes biting off even more than I can chew.
Because you can't stand alone, I feel an urge for throwing stones
At someone who lives inside a glass-house.

Mirror image, just a pane of glass.
The mere reflection without the class.
Mirror image staring back at me.
If you put yourself in my shoes, would you like what you see?

Mirror image, mirror image....

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