Sharing My Open Letter to President Trump - 21 May 2020 Pt 2 (DILDO ATTACK)

2 months ago


From: Sylvia
To: Pieface Chong;;
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020, 06:01:20 PM GMT+8
Subject: New inform - from Sylvia

Dear Sunflower,

I received a message back at my Sunflower Leader SPA address from Jane. The first line was:

"Oh, Sylvia, last night a group of Israeli thug women attacked me, shampooed my head with shaving cream, and shaved my head bald, I am so humiliated.

If you want me to send you the rest of what she wrote, please let me know. This is no fault of yours, Sunflower, and I thought you would want to know what happened for your own knowledge.

Love, Sylvia

PS: the links aren't working that we sent out for most of the people receiving them.


From: Sylvia
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020, 05:03:34 AM GMT+8
Subject: Re: New inform - from Sylvia

Dearest Sunflower, here is the entire cut and paste from Jane's message:

Oh, Sylvia, last night a group of Israeli thug women attacked me, shampooed my head with shaving cream, and shaved my head bald, I am so humiliated. These tough Jewish women held my arms and shoved a large dildo into my mouth so I couldn't scream and they stripped me naked. One woman stood in front of me and dipped another dildo into a big jar of Vaseline and said to my face, "Guess where this is going YouTube Cunt?" and then walked around behind me. One of the bitches grabbed me by my hair and said something like, "You like posting the Singapore Whore's head creaming videos? Maybe you need a creaming, bitch!" and the one behind me shoved the dildo deep in my butt! It was excruciating and I screamed but it was just this little shriek because of the dildo stuffed in my mouth.
Then the lead Israeli witch said to me, "Time to learn your lesson, Goyim whore!" and they tied my hands behind my back and the shaving cream cans came out. Oh my God, Sylvia, I knew what they were going to do! They each took turns loading my hair and face with shaving cream rubbing it around in my face and giving rough shampooings. I moaned and moaned and moaned in humiliation while they degraded me and laughed at my creamed head. I could hardly breathe and then that horrible straight razor came out and I started crying.
The lead woman thug said something like, "If you don't want to get cut, you need to offer us your head voluntarily for shaving. If you struggle, there will be blood, bitch. You need to get on your knees and bow that creamy chink head to us and nod your head to let us all know that you want your head shaved bald, got it?" crying like a young girl, I struggled to my knees. I faced them bowed my creamed head and then nodded. It was the most humiliating moment of my life. The head bitch then started shaving off the cream-filled hair and the tears flowed out of my eyes as I saw large clumps of my hair drop on the floor.
The other women laughed at me and within 10 minutes my head was completely bald. The other bitch’s wet paper towels and rubbed them across my bald head. Then one of them grabbed both my ears from behind and pulled my head back. The bitch with the razor shaved off both of my eyebrows and they rubbed the wet paper towels over my face to clean all the shaving cream off. She got close to my face with the razor and she said, "Don't say a word to the police or we will come back and you will lose your cunt hair, do you understand Goyim Whore?" and I nodded my head with the dildo in my mouth and felt so ashamed.
Before they left, they told me not to say a word or they would be doing the same to Sunflower, so I nodded again. They took me to my front door and turned me around to cut the ties holding my wrists together. Then they patted my bald head, laughed at me, and took off without removing the dildo in my mouth or the one in my behind. My shame was so bad that I could only cry as I took the one out of my mouth and had to bend over and reach around to take the other dildo out. And when I looked in the mirror, I screamed; all my beautiful hair was gone, and no eyebrows either.
Sylvia, thank you for checking on me and letting me tell you what happened, no one else will care or understand. I am going to have to tell people that I wanted to shave my head bald for a change in my fashion look but I will have to try not to break down when I say it. Since Sunflower is not speaking to me, you might want to warn her about these Israeli crazy women. Love, Janie
Dear Sunflower, I purposely waited to send this to you until after your bedtime because I did not want this Janie happening to ruin your sleep. I don't know if you have seen a photo of Janie ever, but I have added the one I have of her below. She had such beautiful hair, so sad for her.

Love you, Sylvia


Netanyahu confident Trump will okay West Bank annexation in ‘couple of months’
When you save Janie’s cunt hair you will be saving all the women's cunt hair because Cunt Miriam will not dare to go around the world and shave other people's hairs especially the cunt ones!!
The ZIOPIGS expected TRUMP to fulfill their wish for a greater Israel and let's say that your hands are tight what is going to happen to you and your family? I hope crazy Cunt Miriam will not threaten YOU and if you refuse their demand will Queen Miriam shaves your daughters or your wife's hair and cunt hair bald too! They are not your friends, the ZIOPIGS are the enemy of the Free World!!
I am a Freedom Fighter and I will not stop fighting for the cause of Free Palestine!! If President Donald Trump is fighting for America to be great again you definitely know who is your real enemy and will stand by Sunflower Chong Sun Wah!!
I’m a soul and a child of God hence when you love Almighty God you will do what is right for the world. If I stop fighting for what I strongly believe, that Palestine must be free in order to free the world, this means I stop loving Almighty God. It might be difficult for you to understand what I am trying to say but if you watch these videos, Madman of the Cathedral I know you can feel his spirit in me.
Former monk spends 50 years building a church on his own

Most Dedicated Man On Earth Spends 56 Years Building His Own Cathedral

I sincerely hope after watching you will understand how much I Love Almighty God and strive for greater humanity against all odds just like Justo professing his love for Almighty God by building a Church with love and dedication.
Instead of standing by the evil Adelson's, I hope you will stand by Sunflower Chong Sun Wah and the free world by letting Cunt Miriam knows she has to stop all her nonsense of threatening people around the world just because we stand by Palestine. In short, I really hope you understand my struggle and agree with me that I cannot give in to Cunt Miriam Adelson:(


From: Jew Creamer
To: Pieface Chong;;
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020, 02:19:56 AM GMT+8
Subject: Re: You should be next, Cuntflower - Need help? - from JC

Dearest Sunflower,

I am only in port for a few hours, and you asked what I thought of your idea to publish Janie's story, so here is my thinking. The Israelis have been killing people for years and it is publicized all over the globe about their crimes and it doesn't seem to bother them or deter them one bit.
I have to be honest with both of you...I don't think posting Janie's attack story is going to stop the bitches from attacking her again (but I do think you should post it anyway, Sunflower). Since Sylvia has been communicating with the Zionist Whore Trio, is there anything that can be offered in exchange for them leaving Janie alone, since they already punished her by shaving her head bald and brutally humiliating her?
I am afraid that poor Janie is going to be hanging out there and at their mercy whether you expose the story of the ZWF bitches and Miriam's evil direction or not. ZWF's Myra, Hanna, and Hodaya are the worst kinds of scumbags in the world and they will want something to call off their "dogs". I hope you can think of some kind of strategy to protect Janie....she may think she is safe by not going to the police. And Sunflower, my darling, don't assume they won't come back after you in Singapore, so please be careful.

Love to both of you, JC


Jew Creamer said, “The Israelis have been killing people for years and it is publicized all over the globe about their crimes and it doesn't seem to bother them or deter them one bit.”
Here is proof of what the evil ZIOPIGS are capable of told by an honest Israeli with consciousness!!

Eran Efrati - Russell Tribunal 2014 - 24/09

Israeli sniper shot photographer Tom Hurndall in the head 17 years ago
The ZIOPIGS don't believe in God their 'god' is Satan. Satan is greed, loose morals, and the unseen power to destroy all humanity including your immediate family if you don’t toe the line especially when you took their dirty money to get where you are :(
‘The American friends’: New court files expose Sheldon Adelson’s security team in US spy operation against Julian Assange
Once the ZIOPIGS use you to the bone or your asshole cannot be used anymore, they will just throw you to the high seas like what they have done to so many world leaders who have sold their souls to the devils!!!!!!!!! In the video below, Eran warned America that the ZIOPIGS' next enemy would be the Americans. It is at the end of the video that he said that.
An Israeli Soldier's Story - Eran Efrati

This means 78% of the land for the ZIOPIGS and 22% left for the Palestinians who are the real owners of the land. This Peace Agreement is recognized by the world and even HAMAS, so can President Donald Trump bring this GIFT for the world? If Satanyahu and the Israelis don’t agree you tell him Israel will be One Democratic State under the Flag of PALESTINE because Israel is Palestine!!

With great love always,

Sunflower Chong Sun Wah

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