Sharing My Open Letter to President Trump - 21 May 2020 Pt 1 (Save Janie's cunt hair)

7 months ago



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In the Bible the concept of blood on the right ear (Leviticus 8:22-24 and 14:28) serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose. This act represents a physical and spiritual transformation, preparing the individual for their sacred role.


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21 May 2020

Dear President Trump,


It is a matter of urgency that I am writing to you to save Janie’s cunt hair. Chinese women never shave their private part hair only when they give birth. The reason is that if the private part of hair is shaved it would bring bad luck. Similarly, the Chinese don’t shave their eyebrows because this means you removed all your good luck. These are ancient beliefs and we Chinese hold on to our beliefs. For this reason, I am writing to you with the hope you can ask Cunt Miriam to stop punishing Janie because she uploaded the creaming videos on my behalf.

From: Marie Sings;;
To:;; annie apple ;;
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 10:46:56 PM GMT+8
Subject: Re: You should be next, Cuntflower - Need help?

Dear Fuckflower, are all of the Singaporean cunts as stupid as you are? We have given you a chance to do what is right, but being a cowardly self-absorbed and vain Chinese bitch, you hide behind your computer screen like the scumbag you are!

OK, times up...little YouTube Jane is going to get her cunt hair shaved off! And while she has the dildo in her ass and in her mouth, she WILL get the message that her dear Sunflower could have saved her from having her head shaved bald AND from having her cunt shaved bald, but didn't lift a finger to save her from her MASSIVE HUMILIATION! Scumflower, you really are a LOWLIFE WHORE COWARD!

We will make sure that our Israeli "beauticians" say hello to Jane for you and inform her of your cowardice in not trying to save her.... she will get a head shave refresh for the ladies as well as ordered by ZWF leadership.

Did you stop by the dog turd Palestine blog? You really have improved that blog, Shitflower! Get shaving or lose ALL of the steaming dog turd lunatic crap you spew on the internet! Come back and confirm your shave date or lose it all.

Love, Myra, Hanna, and Hodaya (I will be there with Jane, and Cuntflower)

Last night the Palestine blog was restored for the 2nd time and after I read their email immediately I login and saw that all the contents were gone again. They brought down the Palestine blog after I posted the Coronavirus posts. and as for the Poison blog they brought it down after I posted the replies from almost 40 US Senators in regard to bombing Iran:(

Cunt Miriam Adelson kept deleting my blogs :(

For your knowledge in 2017, Cunt Miriam send her gang of bitches to Singapore and they will meet in the Mossad office to plan an attack on me but with Almighty God blessing ANONYMOUS read their emails and preempted me through my American family hence immediately I reported to PM Lee Hsien Loong. Here is the story - I had reported to PM Lee on the Attack by Smelly Cunt Miriam! And I sincerely hope that by reporting to you Janie’s cunt hair can be saved from Cunt Miriam gang of bitches :( In the first place what crime have I Sunflower Chong Sun Wah committed, creating a petition in 2011 for a Palestinian homeland?

Call for Support for a Palestinian State

I was told that you have watched the creaming videos but for your knowledge Cunt Miriam Adelson had taken down all the creaming videos do you know what the creaming videos are all about? Defying Cunt Miriam Adelson and exposing the evilness of Zionism!! Do you know she even told some of the EU Leaders that she had Sunflower Chong Sun Wah under control and when I pulled a SURPRISE ATTACK creaming out of my Sunflower’s magic box after the 3 months BAN FROM YOUTUBE UNDER ORDERS FROM CUNT MIRIAM she went CRAZY!!!!!!!

Here is the report from the TECH Lady
I investigated after Marie sent the message to all of us. The Tech Lady has been very helpful in explaining what is meant when they mention the software in their message. "Janie should still post your videos on YouTube because all of their spying is on you and your blogs, beautiful Sunflower....they act when you post, not when Janie uploads". OK, here is the cut and paste of the Tech Lady's summary to me...Sunflower, please read this thoroughly and don't hurry through it please, you must understand the situation:

Dear Steven, I am happy to help. I have investigated and found the following salient points with regard to the Zionist Women's references to software and malware:

These Zionist women have Israeli personnel in their organization that have the ability to "lay traps" in software; this is how they detected the activity on converting video in Singapore from the recent creaming.

There is no point in waiting to post the recent speeches and creaming on Sunflower's blogs; they already know about them and are waiting with hidden software that is there, but that we can't do anything about until it is activated. Just post the footage without a lot of editing and we will see if Sunflower's Powerful Friends can do anything...I will try as well.

The Zionist Women have now CONFIRMED what Sunflower's friends and I have already asserted! They lose supporters the moment Sunflower's head creaming starts.... the earlier speeches do not hurt them, but they bleed supporters the moment Sunflower starts getting humiliated!

The only way to destroy their support network and the Zionist Women's team is a SURPRISE ATTACK creaming. They are expecting this creaming posting, but they must take their software away from Sunflower's blogs after this creaming post.

So, their "Zionist Watchdog Warning System" software will not detect new creaming footage if you use the German software I suggested to you and King for converting MXF files. They will have no advance warning for the posting of a future creaming...OK, Steve, why is that important, you might ask?

Because Sunflower's blog post would have a 24-hour YouTube head start before they could apply their "Zionist Clamp" blocking software again, AND BY THEN, IT WOULD BE TOO LATE! Sunflower would easily get over 1 million views of a new (unexpected) creaming video, so their support network would abandon the Zionist bitches after seeing Sunflower humiliated and the Zionist Women Forever would probably be destroyed. This is my best guess based on the investigation that I have done (you owe me another French dinner, Steve).

Please convey my deepest love and admiration to Sunflower.

Smelly Cunt Miriam was so furious that she pulled her hair but she has got NO HAIR and instead, the whole wig fell off. But because she was so MAD she could not control herself and she grabbed her cunt hair and pulled it all out! So now, not only is her head bald, her smelly cunt too! Now she wanted Sunflower Chong to be like her, head bald & cunt hair bald and she could not get me so she is obsessed with shaving Janie’s cunt hair.

Here are the bitch’s emails with stolen email addresses from my American family. They wanted to turn me into a lesbian like how the ZIOPIGS are making the world embrace LBGT as a modern lifestyle or progressive way of living and they wanted us to believe Sin is LOVE!! WHAT UTTER RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Marie Sings
Cc: Annie Apple;;
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020, 09:33:08 PM GMT+8
Subject: Fw: You should be next, Cuntflower - Need help? - Get going!

Dear Whoreflower,

The dildo you use to masturbate to the photos of Miriam, Hodaya, and Sara in your bedroom looks similar to the ones the Israeli "beauticians" shoved in YouTube Jane's ass and in her mouth! Do you think she is looking forward to getting those dildos again? Send confirmation that you are going to shave your head on video, bitch, or Jane gets a cunt to shave to match her head! Get shaving, Scumflower!

Love, Myra, Hodaya, and Hanna


From: annie apple;;
Cc: Marie Sings;;
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020, 06:03:24 PM EDT
Subject: Fw: You should be next, Cuntflower - Need help?

Dear Shitflower,

Did little Jane, That YouTube cunt of yours, come crying to you after her Zionist "beauty treatment"? She bowed her head for our Israeli "beauticians" to shave her head bald. Are you going to need our help, bitch? If you don't get shaving, we will have to have ladies re-visit Jane and shave her cunt hair, too! So, you lowlife Singaporean slut, get shaving or Jane gets more punishment!

Love, Myra, Hanna, and Hodaya


From: Marie Sings;;
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 12:34 AM
Cc: Annie Apple;;
Subject: You should be next, Cuntflower

Hey Cuntflower, it's your turn next! Want to do it yourself or have us do it for you?

Love, Myra, Hanna, and Hodaya

Here is the story of Poor Geena and Steve Attacked - Geena and Steve were attacked in 2012 because they supported the petition for a Palestinian Homeland. But their head and private part hair were not shaved. &

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