exercise our spirit to receive God's dispensing

6 months ago

Lord Jesus, we open to You. Dispense Yourself into us a little more today. Amen, Lord, we open to Your divine dispensing right now. May we be those who know God's economy and cooperate with God's economy by exercising our spirit to receive God's dispensing. Amen, Lord, keep our being open to You throughout the day. Save us from giving heed to different teachings which separate us from the genuine appreciation and enjoyment of the precious person of the Lord Jesus! Dear Lord Jesus, we love You! You are the most precious One! We love You and we love Your economy. We open to You and we exercise our spirit to receive Your divine dispensing. Hallelujah, God's dispensing deifies us to make us the same as God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ!

The full article is via, https://wp.me/p1uwEJ-fqr

Welcome to this podcast. This podcast is a portion of enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival for today, on the general topic of, Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by being Empowered in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus to Fully Accomplish our Ministry in the Unique Ministry of God's Economy (2024 April International Training for Elders and Responsibile Ones - week 1, day 1). The title of this portion of enjoyment is, Cooperate with God's Economy by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God's Dispensing. We hope you enjoy the Lord while listening to this portion and we welcome your comments with what you have enjoyed!

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