Trump Shot - Witness of the shooter going on roof and crawling to position of shooting

6 months ago

This is being BANNED all over the world by the original broadcasters the BBC, why because this throws in the question, was this a SET UP, was this an INSIDE JOB. ?
The good old BBC a British Broadcaster, really lands their buddies, CNN in the zone here, because while CNN the day before the rally, showed you all the area of the rally, with graphics and photos like not seen before or not seen since a parade in new york would take place pointing out here is for children this time this happen ETC ETC well CNN done a very weir and peculiar thing of showing all the are and town and walked you through it like it was about to go dons indirectly of course because the Legacy Media are that brazen, as if to say, well the shooter can use this spot, that spot and where the security guys will be posted, this shows someone knew before and where to shoot from and that the CIA will ignore you as they know your the man and to just ignore you and pretend no one can see anyone or any dangers arising, JUST LIKE the CIA and FBI with the watchful media with both eyes shut LET THIS HAPPEN.
We here do not condone conspiracy theories.
You see and hear the facts and we showed you before the world never got to see what locals know what really happened before the shooting and what transpired due to very bad security or letting this occur?.
They tried to kill TRUMP is what one man was shouting.
A woman was heard shouting at police that there he is and they pretended to search and came back down.
This is crazy and I must say It Stinks America

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