Episode 81 - The Coronado Group Abduction | Uncovering Anomalies Podcast (UAP)

5 months ago

Join Adam and Topher as they explore the chilling details of the Coronado Group Abduction, where several individuals reported synchronized extraterrestrial encounters. This episode not only uncovers alien abduction but also delves into the recent assassination attempt on a former U.S. president, examining the eerie overlap of UFO phenomena and high-stakes political drama. Tune in for an episode packed with disclosure, historical UFO accounts, and contemporary analysis.

Full show notes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ua0Zr_Zn1HOXTty-5EEFQALt4IjNun6_-cGQ8nK-ynM/edit?usp=sharing

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