Pokemon Pink 'n Purple Hatenna & Sneasel Edition - GBC ROM Hack has Hatenna & Sneasel following

7 months ago

Pokemon Pink 'n Purple is a GBC ROM Hack and based on Pokemon Yellow by PeanutellaX. - Ducumon

Read the description to get links and download at 🤜READ MORE!
🤜Read more: https://www.ducumon.click/2024/07/pokemon-pink-n-purple-hatenna-sneasel-edition.html

It has Hatenna & Sneasel Edition replaces the following Pikachu with Hatenna and Sneasel. The story and gameplay of this game are the same with minor changes and Hatenna or Sneasel. It's complete in English.

00:00 - Opening
00:09 - Details of this game
00:49 - Your Ads Here
00:52 - Gameplay
06:14 - Ending

#ducumon #pokemonhoennadventuresenglish #pokemonpinknpurple

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