#138 20240714 The 9/11 WarRoom - Gene & Sandra Survived the Trump Assassination Attempt

7 months ago

#138.20240714 The 9/11 WarRoom Notes


DISINFO ALERT: How did WTC 7 Collapse? | The Complete Physics
DISINFO By Sabin Mathew (sabin@lesics.com)

On Skepticism: Michael Shermer & Jeremy Rys on DarkHorse

PAPA Firefighters Overwhelm NFPA/Orlando with WTC 7 Awareness | Hundreds Informed at Evidence Booth | Everyone Sign the New NFPA Petition Now Please!

===9/11 FINANCIAL NEEDS========

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: Crimescene To Courtroom documentary

=PINNED MESSAGES================

Protecting All Protectors Alliance (PAPA) at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Convention in Orlando!
Presentation - Did the Salomon Brothers High-Rise Building (WTC 7) really collapse from fire? New University Forensic Study Concludes Otherwise

Sign the petition ProtectingAll.org to Help Support Firefighter and Public Safety in High-Rise Fires
Flyers... https://911warroom.com/flyers/PAPA/


We’ve built a 9/11 Truth Community!

Hammux will get anyone they need a video shown on this list:

View/Download the RichardGage911 WTC Slide Deck!

Adam Eisenberg offering a $5,000 debate challenge to ANY group or individual in the world that’s willing to publicly defend the position that American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001

Brother of 9/11 Victim Presses Forward in Demand For Justice

===CHAT LOG================

17:21:49 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
17:24:54 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
17:55:32 From Gail Gage to Everyone:
Gotta go guys, got another Zoom call to jump on...
18:00:36 From Alfred to Everyone:
was there a hole in trumps ear ? Wouldn't his ear have been blown off ?
18:10:35 From Alfred to Everyone:
Why did the secret service allow trump be exposed to the crowd when leaving the stage?
18:11:14 From Alfred to Everyone:
got to go. Thanks everyone
18:16:32 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:
18:32:45 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:33:52 From Raul A. Angulo to Everyone:
Raul here. I gotta go. Thank you!
18:45:44 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
18:46:32 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:
What!? Helicopter Fire Departments!?
18:50:33 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Thank you everyone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV9Vf0a7YtM
18:52:14 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Check out Sweet Honey In The Rock. I’ve seen them live twice. Inspirational… good energy… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwSZgLLqPy8
18:54:31 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The first time Bernice was still with them. Very grateful for that… The second time, she had retired, but they were still awesome! Don’t ever miss them live if you ever get the chance!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_owh_GfS38s
18:57:34 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Techies can help us in deciding if photos or videos are fake. There are “Layers”in the digital
18:58:20 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
There are layers if they are faked. It’s the only reason you’d insert layers - to fake it. Obama’s BC had layers in it.
18:59:10 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
Layers can be compressed into one
19:00:09 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:
No. 7 hours is way too long
19:02:06 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
7 years is not long enough.
19:02:29 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
19:02:29 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:
19:02:51 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:
24/7 is all we all have.
19:03:24 From Joshua Shoenfeld to Everyone:
The War Conspiracy by Peter Dale Scott
19:04:33 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Peter Dale Scott ROCKS!!!!!!! He coined the term Deep State.
19:05:58 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:
Believing all positive interactions are at least somewhat therapeutic,
19:06:57 From Myles Flaig to Everyone:

19:15:01 From Lew A (Lincoln) Welge to Everyone:

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

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