They Plan To Attack Us Through Our Cell Phones

7 months ago

A recent scientific paper (link here) explains how people can be remotely controlled through "nano-therapy," i.e. nanobots in our bodies controlled remotely using microwave frequency (i.e. 5G) through our cell phones.
Our bodies are already filled with nanobots from vaccines, the PCR test, chemtrails and our food (recall again that drinking 1/8 teaspoon of Borax in water daily will slowly remove them, but unfortunately Borax was made illegal for private use in the EU nearly 15 years ago).
I have covered the use of remote-controlled nanobots
When can we expect the mentioned 18 GHz pulses?
My research leads to me believe it will be in March 2025, and I will explain my reasoning in a later video.
As long as you are exposed to 5G, you are at risk. Even if you are vaccinated, without 5G there's no remote programming, no nano-assembly, no ability to release payloads. 5G is their greatest weapon, and their only weapon. Nuclear bombs do not exist, but "nuclear" will be used to explain the high levels of radiation from what is in fact microwave warfare.

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