Shoot2Hunt Podcast Episode 49: "The Fair Chase Affidavit" Explained by Justin Spring from Pope&Young

7 months ago

After getting this request:

At What Distance Is A Shot Disqualified Because It Is In Conflict
With The Concept Of "Recreational Fair Chase Hunting"?

How, does a person come to the conclusion, that such shooting is within the parameters of the "Rec-reational Fair Chase Hunting" concept? And if a given person does come to that conclusion, IS THERE A LENGTH OF SHOT THAT WOULD VIOLATE THE IDEALS, THAT ARE THE BASIS OF THE "RECRE-ATIONAL FAIR CHASE HUNTING" CONCEPT?

We reached out to Pope and Young to have a representative join us on the podcast for the pursuit of understanding the "Fair Chase Rule". Justin Spring, a former Boone and Crockett representative, and the current Pope and Young representative, responded to our inquiry. Graduating in 2006 with a degree in natural resources, he gained experience in fisheries and wildlife through various technician roles over the next few years. In October 2008, he transitioned to Boone and Crockett as the Assistant Director of Records. Progressing through the ranks, he assumed the role of Director of Records in 2015, and recently, in October of this year, he joined Pope and Young as their Executive Director.


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