Parental Rights Terminated For Supporting President Trump

2 months ago

Chris’ parental rights were terminated by Massachusetts DCF due to his political views of supporting President Trump! Chris does not have any allegations of abuse or neglect of a child. He does not have a mental disorder! The only criminal charges he has are exposing DCF social worker Michelle Emery of falsifying documents and lying under oath.

On September 19th, 2022 Chris was charged with stalking, criminal harassment, witness intimidation, and wiretapping. The wiretapping charge was due to Chris recording his last visit with Michelle Emery supervising the visit. Michelle claimed that Chris became physically violent and she had to stop the visit. The recording showed a different story and Chris proved that Michelle lied under oath. Chris was charged with crimes that Michelle Emery committed. Michelle harassed, stalked, and threatened Chris. She threatened him that his daughter would be adopted if he did not stop talking about the funding. She slandered his name by calling him a white supremacist, racist, and Q annon terrorist.

On May 3rd, 2022 Chris was placed on an ankle monitor and band from the state of Massachusetts. The charges against him state they are offenses from January 31st, 2020. DCF is trying to send Chris to prison for 4 years for exposing social workers Danielle Groux and Michelle Emery for child trafficking.

Social workers receive incentives for each adoption! The incentive is through the Adoption Safe and Families Act but is funded by Title IV - E. Chris had read about these incentives, he was informing Danielle and Michelle that he was onto their game. He was fully aware that this is child trafficking through the foster system.

#socialwork #ASFA

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