2023 Shuv Show: “Recognizing Truth in a Deceptive World,” Christene Jackman

7 months ago

2023 Shuv Show:
“Recognizing Truth in a Deceptive World”
Christene Jackman ©1.31.2023

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
* Who Gets to Determine Truth?
* How Wrong Premises lead to Waterboarding the Scriptures & False Confessions
* The Farther You Get from The Source, the Muddier the Water

There are four conclusions I have discovered that are paramount in recognizing Truth:
1. Know that if your starting premise—your presumptive belief—is in error, it is impossible to come to a correct interpretation.
2. “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.”
3. Mankind is spiritually, mentally, and physically broken.
4. Truth must be, and is, determined by our Creator. He is The Ultimate Source.

Let’s dig into each of these four points.

If your starting premise—your presumptive belief—is in error, it is impossible to come to a correct interpretation.
A misaligned foundation results in a structure designed to collapse.
Case in point: If you do not understand how Near Eastern Biblical covenant functions, you WILL misinterpret Scripture. And people have.
Today, people are still being led into partial lawlessness because they have been taught that they can toss out portions of the Law.
Truth is: With God, Blood covenant does not have an end date. And Messiah Yeshua would not ever contradict the Father’s commands already in place. He will have no chaos in His Kingdom.

“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything.”
When you use a faulty premise as your basis for Biblical interpretation, you will run into—what to you will seem to be: contradictions. So, to support your theology, you will have to waterboard the Scriptures to get it to confess to your demands.

Case in point: The Divine clean and unclean food laws. In Vayikra/Leviticus 11, God commands what is considered food for human consumption and what is not. This is the Original Word from God on this issue. The Original Command.
In Acts 10 and Acts 15, Peter’s dream, an erroneous premise of “Jesus did away with the food laws” or “In doing so, He declared all foods clean” (a sentence in italics by the way), leads many precious believers into defiling themselves with things God declares are toeva (detestable/abominable).

Peter interprets his own dream. He knows God is talking about People, cleansed Believing Gentiles, not food. Besides, if you said the word “food” to a Jewish believer of the First Century, pig or lobster would have never come to mind. Why: Because they knew, that according to God, those are not food for human consumption.

Learn to discern when the text is talking about the Written Law/Torah and/or the Oral Torah, the traditions and rulings made by men. When in Acts 15:10, the Pharisees say that new converts must be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses, Peter responds . . . "

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