MR. NON-PC: Why Is There No Black Serial Killers In The Movies?

5 months ago

So in a rare case, yours truly actually went and saw a new movie at the theatre recently. I went and saw Horizon (great movie by the way) and before the movie saw a trailer that got me thinking.

The movie was an upcoming M Night Shyamalan Movie called "Trap" which stars Josh Hartnett. Spoiler alert....they cast white Josh Hartnett as the ol' serial killer.

And it got me thinking even more...why is there no black serial killers in the movies???

I mean c'mon, ever since ol' Georgie boy died we know that the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting White / Straight and Christian-Hating Media and rotten pop culture/Hollyweird have put on their mask of corporate blackface in order to pander and show that they're "not racist" right?

And even better, since they're remaking all the classic white movies now and replacing the characters with all black characters, why not remake all the horror movies with black serial killers?? Oh wait....because then it might be too realistic Hahahaaa!!

Don't believe me that the majority of violent crime is committed by the blacks? Then check out my buddies at Denial Deceit and Delusion Podcast (link below) who cover the neverending avalanche of black ultra-violence.

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