Riderpiece theater: Kamen Rider Gotcha Episode 45 Review

7 months ago

With Kajiki's mind and Hijiri's life and of course their love hanging in the balance, our heroes are racing against time. Gaelijah captures Hijiri because she believes that she has the power to change the world but in order to do so she needs to be turned into a malgam. Weird sister #3 gets greeted by Master Geryon and Weird sister #1 who tells them she wants her family back together. Hotaro is on his own against multiple enemies while poor Kajiki is trying to reach Hijiri with his words but will she hear them? Even if our heroes save the day there's still the matter of making the decision of letting their memories be or erase them? Lastly is there something sprouting between Weird sister #2 and Spanner especially when Kyoka is pushing her to pursue a dream or love?

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