2023 Shuv Show: "Hacking Habakkuk Pt. 2, The Ashbury Revival Oops" Christene Jackman

7 months ago

2023 Shuv Show:
"Hacking Habakkuk Pt. 2, The Ashbury Revival Oops"
Christene Jackman ©2.28.2023

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. Shuv is a Biblical Hebrew word that means to return, to repent, come back to the Holy and Just Ways of the One True God, the Creator, the God of the Bible.

Tonight, we will continue with the Ashbury Revival Oops, part 2. Rather than speak to the viability of this “revival,” my main motivation was to address how the student body president badly mishandled the Word of God. Here’s the verse. Habakkuk 1:5. The verse was quoted as if it were a positive thing to describe the Ashbury event.

"Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because [I am] doing something in your days-- You would not believe if you were told.”

When you look at the context, you soon discover that rather than speaking a blessing over the revival, she and her friends pet text was actually referring to a dire prophetic judgment!

Now, I’m sure she’s a very sincere person, but the behavior must be addressed because she’s not alone in excising a verse out of its context and applying a meaning contrary to the Text. Taking the Bible out of context is, unfortunately, a common problem. Such sloppy handling of the Holy Scriptures reveals a drought of training at best, and a famine of reverence at its subversive worst . . . "

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