072024 dutchsinse -Large M7.4 earthquake in Chile, M6.0 in Alaska -- seismic unrest spreading now

4 months ago

072024 dutchsinse -Large M7.4 earthquake in Chile, M6.0 in Alaska -- seismic unrest spreading now
Jul 20, 2024
Last night, July 19, 2024, a large M7.4 (M7.3) earthquake struck the border of North Chile and Bolivia / Argentina.

As we would expect, after last weeks M7.1 deep earthquake in Philippines, (and M6.2 deep earthquake in Japan)--- 8 days prior to today -- we are now seeing the spread of M6.0 and M7.0+ earthquakes as well as the equidistant spaced M5.0+ earthquakes between each point which broke.

The only thing missing from this past weeks earthquake forecast is the area of North Japan to Kuril Islands breaking with a new M7.0 or greater earthquake.

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