- It was a staged event by the White Hats.

2 months ago

A Week To Remember: With Patriot Underground - It was a staged event by the White Hats.
IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THIS VIDEO I SUGGEST TO READ A PAMPHLET I WROTE. I HAVE DONE A PRELIMINARY TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH ׂׂ(the original was written in hebrew. I have a translation in italian, if someone is interested). SEE HERE -

Who combats who ? - ENGLISH VERSION
Messages concerning what is happening in the world, which were sent between me and a friend via WhatsApp.
My dear,
See below the link to my channel where I published thousands of recorded videos about the research I have been doing since March 2020, when the "Corona PLANdemic” began. I have a page on the mewe network as well, with written materials.
The historical period that we are currently going through in the world (and in Israel) is so fascinating, heartbreaking and amazing that it drained all the energy I had left for my free time. Because of it I don't play nor sing anymore.
From what I could see, you are also interested in what is happening at the moment, and like most people you move forward in the dark also.
I came to know that everything we thought was true until the year 2019, is actually not completely true, and has many hidden sides that are discovered after in-depth research. For most populations in the world, the process of discovering the truth about the past, present and future begins now or has begun in recent years.
20% of the population both in the US and in other countries understand that the world is different from what we thought was true till 2019.
For many, the truth is so shocking that they prefer to believe the excuses and lies of those active the official media or those who belong to the established establishment, including the political one. Those people sometimes think that we, the revealers of the truth, are crazy, very stupid and believe to lies.
That's why I researched in depth. I wanted to be sure about what I was finding out. Cultural, technical, personal background and established knowledge in several fields helped me discover matters that are closest to the truth, I found proofs about the things I discovered. Regarding other matters, I also have doubts, but unlike others, and in common with many others, I have many tools to research and discover the truth - sometimes you need a scientific technical background to make sure that another scientist or technician is telling the truth or lying.
I saw that many artists and musicians that I admired in the past, do not want to discover the truth and remain tied to the conventions of the past, without understanding that what we thought was true until 2019, is not true at all. There are people who discovered the truth about "how the world works" (on the historical, political, economic, scientific, military, secret services, judicial, etc. level), before 2019, but most of the "awakened population" started the process following the "Corona plandemic".
Soon most of the money transfers between everyone will be done using computers and blockchain technology. There are supercomputers called "quantum computers", they will participate in these financial processes. When this will happen, in the next 10, 15 years, or sooner, there will be no more need for banks, as it was until now.
The “awakened people” discovered that there is someone who runs the world behind the scenes. Actually, I am talking about 8000 super-rich individuals (with their families) divided into three groups. Their "managers", I mean, those who set the world agenda for them and us, realized that when there will be no need for the banks anymore, they will not be able to continue to control the world as they have done until now, in the last hundreds of years.
George Orwell practically wrote his book “1984” under a sort of dictation. He simply described the plans of the team that gave recommendations to the hidden rulers of the world (you can call them the "hidden emperors").
In the modern era, the world control began in 1534, when the Vatican founded the Order of the Jesuits.
The purpose of that Order - to control all the governments of the world, including those of Islam and the Far East (China, etc.). Then, the Jesuits founded the group of freemasons called "Illuminati", that happened in the nineteenth century. There are other players and Secret Societies that control the world, and they cooperate with each other.
According to their way of think, the world is divided into two groups: them and us.
"They", means the super-rich.
"We" - everyone else.
As mentioned, the subject is quite complex, but when you research it in depth, you can discover how logical, monstrous and basically simple it is.
The Yom Kippur War was the first example in which we, the israelis, discovered that there was someone who planned everything and the corrupted Israeli establishment agreed to the dictates of the rulers/emperors of the world (Golda Meyer and Moshe Dayan knew about the attack the night before, but stayed silent and didn’t said a word to the military. Those were the orders given by Henry Kissinger).
The 7.10.23 is not a local, rescricted, event.
You are watching a new kind of world war called "5 generation war". You will find the definitions on Google, which belongs to the administrators of the world. They haven't deleted it yet. In google, censoring is a gigantic thing.
I don't think you will actually want to see content from my channel, otherwise, I recommend to follow the process of my discovering the truth, that is, from the beginning of the videos and not from the end. But I'm sure you won't be able to waste your precious time on it.
I didn't mention before that there are two groups fighting this war. This is not a war between States as it has been officially portrayed in the past. Even in the past, the heads of State fought because there were those behind the scenes who brought them to war.
I won't mention here who is fighting who, unless that interests you.
His question:
Who are the two groups? Thanks for the update.
I'm glad you're interested and thanking for the information I gave. Many of the people I know prefer not to hear what I discovered, it pains me to think that those acquaintances of mine, if they had lived in the past, would have preferred to remain silent and disengage in the face of the rise of Fascism, Nazism, Communism and any other tyrannical regime. Whereas what would have stopped the rise of those dictatorial regimes was a little bit of knowledge of the truth and a little bit of cooperation between everyone. Nazism took over because of the involvement of about 7% of the German population only, had the silent majority been aware of the situation, tragedies and disastres would have been avoided. I am frustrated by the fact that most of my acquaintances and family members bury their heads in the sand and do not want to hear me at all. It hurts. My research was personal, I was not influenced by a "guru" or someone who put strange ideas in my head, it all stemmed from my big thirst to discover the truth. To answer your question you need to understand a few things. We thought there was a democracy. There may have been some kind of democracy in the past, although in the past twenty years, democracy has been abolished in the entire western world. There are the computers, and they are able to change the voters results relatively to the developing electoral situation.
And there are those who control those elections computers.
You have to understand that the western world (and through it the rest of the world) is similar to the city of Naples, Napoli, in Italy. Who controls the city? The organized crime, they call it there the "Camorra", we will call it the “mafia”. The mafia controls everything, from the media (we thought they were "the watchdog of democracy", it can be, for a short time, they were like that, but today there is a new, more appropriate definition, "a terrorist organization that serves the corrupt establishment against the real interests of the people") to the mayor, from the judicial system to the smallest businesses, and so on, everything is under their control. How did a criminal organization (among the gang leaders there is also the "Illuminati") take over the whole huge world? Explaining how, it's a long matter, it is partly explained in the film I link below, about the control of the central bank, the FED, over the USA. It is not necessary to listen to all of its contents, lestening to a part of it, simply helps to understand the historical process.
In a letter from attorney Fuellmich (a famous German attorney who was in the US, founded the ICIC - see link and letter below) it is explained that those criminals helped Hitler take over Germany, and I say, moreover, they caused Hitler to fight against Stalin and The Allied countries to reset the banking system, that is based on a gigantic fraud leaded by the Central Banks, which began to be functional in 1913 (the big bankers who opposed that fraud, are today among the remains of the Titanic, which sank a few months before, in 1912), through the printing of banknotes (dollars) which did not had gold equivalent as a counterpart in the coffers. Banknotes, or money, or numbers that are given to governments at an interest almost impossible to repay, and which slowly began to constitute the national debt of various countries. The method worked well all over the world, no matter what currency was printed. It is enough to think that 1% of the world's capital is in the hands of 99% of the world's population. Where are the other 99%? The majority is in the hands of the 8000 super rich who run the world. Among them there are about 200 "Illuminati", 3000 super rich (you can reach the list of these capitalists through Mel K's website, ) and about 5000 rich people of a lower rank, between them there are most of the Heads of various countries, who made their fortune with their help Mafia bosses, basically, the Illuminati people. As mentioned, there are other secret groups similar to the Illuminati.
The legal system as well, is based on fraud, was not founded on the The Common Law, the law that relates to “The Natural Individual”, which defines the person as a self-owning individual, instead it is based on the continuation of the Middle Ages laws, when the people belonged to the rich owner of the fiefdom (in the whole feudal system).
American generals close to the assassinated President Kennedy (who wanted to abolish the CIA, FBI, and the FED because they are corrupted organizations that are under the mobsters who run the world, actually, the Central Bank is owned by one of these criminals) in 1963 realized that something must be done, to bring the USA back to the values of freedom, enshrined in the original 1776 Constitution (which was fraudulently changed by the mobsters in 1871), and they founded the alternative secret services called "Q". Once they realized that the final stage of the Illuminati's plan was underway, they had no other choice but to act to save the USA and the world. President Obama has continued the process of destroying the West and the USA, by even stronger means. With the same elections system that is practically rigged, the Q Department managed to install Donald Trump as President. He is their chosen representative. Q's plan of action is listed online on
It has about 5000 messages, written in a language that only expert people (random people who started deciphering the messages out of pure curiosity) are able to understand, in which is actually written a “movie” script, or an action plan, called "The plan to save the world", which includes the planned steps of the mobsters and Q.
The mobsters, the “mafiosi” are called by several names: the corrupt establishment people, “the Cabal”, “the Black Hats”, “the Deep State” and more. The people who follow Q's plan are called: “White Hats”, whistleblowers, freedom fighters, "the awakened" and more. The easier terms to grasp are "Black Hats vs. White Hats". The Q-Department realized they could not dismantle the mafia that rules the world through the military alone. There is the absolute need for people's participation in the process. They contacted most of the big Armies in the world and explained to them that the mobsters' plan is practically a mass murder, the systematic death of most of the world's population (see below the article by Pascal Najadi [1] that was published in the Main Stream Media CNBC, then soon deleted from there, but it can be found through the "Wayback Machine" website, which preserves forever the entire history of pages published on the Internet, since the beginning of times (the beginnig of the internet...). He claims the USA military contacted other 33 big Armies, besides, in my estimation, the Israeli Army, that of Ukraine, Iran, and various Islamic terrorist organizations, are not under the control of Q, on the contrary, they are under the corrupted CIA, which quite often operates in a “Illuminaty style”, or “Jesuits style”, kind of action. According to Simon Parks, the Army of China, India, Brazil, Russia, the main part of the US Army - except for a tiny part that is apparently under the control of the Illuminati and the puppet president Biden -, are cooperating between them, inside the Q operation).
Why do the Illuminati want to murder most of the world's population? On Earth can live 15 billion people, even 30 (there is not a problem of sustenaibility, instead, of organization and willing), but in order to continue TO CONTROL them, as they have done in the past centuries, artificial intelligence, "smart" phones and satellites will not be enough for them. There are moles in the Black Hats, unfortunately in the White Hats also. The mobsters planned the “Event 201” (the general rehearsal before the "corona PLANdemic"), the “UN's 2030 Agenda”, the digital currency controlled by the central bank (CBDC), and the New World Order. As mentioned, the Q Department realized that through the military it could not eliminate the whole general structure of the world, there is the need of a cooperation with the American people and the other various people of the world. The world people are almost ALL under the control of the Illuminati and the owners of the Central Banks. By the way, all communist countries cannot exist without the money they receive directly from the private Central Banks, stealed from the people living in the nations that are not enslaved in communist regimes, in order to maintain those communist regimes...
So came THE BIG AWAKENING MOVEMENT, full of “patriots” that love their country (to love our country doesn’t necessarly means that we hate other countries... as leftist “anti-Imperialistic” propaganda tries to brainwash people). It developed slowly in the last 4 years, I identify in this Movement. This letter and the websites I am responsible for, are written because I feel to belong to that Movement. I am called "Digital Freedom Fighter", the purpose of the Movement is to spread based and true knowledge about the true structure of the world, to warn against the monstrous terrible plan of the New World Order, which will be carried out through the UN, the WEF, the World Economic Forum, and other factors (this New Order is similar to the world descripted in the book “1984” by Orwell) and to help destroy the existing corrupt institutions in order to install real democracies, banning rigged elections, with a Law and Justice system based on the Natural Law, the Common Law. The formation of the State of Israel, which is actually a corporation, like most of the countries of the world, except for the original USA from 1776, was also done by deceiving the Jews, who thought they were getting independence, in fact the establishment from the beginning was corrupt and belonged to one of the organized crime families, that is the Rothschild family (and today The Ofer family, which I think is also related to them).
As mentioned, the Q pages list both the plans of the Black Hats and those of the White Hats. I followed someone who is very boring in his form of speech, he gave me the impression that he was close to someone in the Q department. Every week he told in the minimal details what was happening in the world and found the special section in the Q alerts posts, where it was written, a year or several years BEFORE, the precise occurrence and description of that event... Some of the events were covered by the official media, spreading usually an interpretation very far from the real one. In the Q messages, or “Q dops/alerts”, there is no meaning for the year, but the publication date is meaningful, that is, they refer to the exact day/date of the year, without reference to the year. Sometimes this day was late or early on, and as mentioned, the events were recorded as a movie script with a year, or two, or even six years of early anticipation, as said, exactly on the date specified in the message. For example, regarding the 10/7/2023 murderous event, which actually started on the 10/6, it was written in the Q message dated 10/5/2018:
The same goes for thousands of other important events that took place in the US and around the world.
So who is fighting who?
If you've come this far, my answer won't seem so crazy to you. The war is between "them" and "us".
In practice it is between "them", meaning the 200 Illuminati + some of the 3000 super-rich people who have been running the world for hundreds of years, + the corrupt establishment, and a large part of the world's Armies, run by Q and the White Hats, that are increasing slowly but shurely the number of people in the global Great Awakening Movement. Most of the battles are in the USA (this is a 5th generation war, a war on public consciousness, among other things), one of the reasons is because it is not one country only, but a federation, a union of countries, with an original constitution that made its countries truly INDEPENDENT from the empires that ruled the world at that time. According to some sources (Simon Parks, Benjamin Fulford - who is anti-Semitic of the most terrible kind, it does not mean that he always lies, even Mengele sometimes spoke the truth - Phil Godlewski - he also speaks about the Jews quite disgustingly, and others) all the Illuminati have been already eliminated or they are in their place where they cannot do no more harm, and what remains is the corrupt establishment that acts like a robot, an automaton, against the real interests of the peoples. Therefore, as said, the war is between the corrupt establishment (as mentioned the top of the corrupted gigantic apparatus has already been eliminated by the world's Armies, for example the real Biden has already been eliminated or died naturally, we watch an actor with a mask, and he cooperates with Q, to show how terrible and cruel the Deep State can be) and the self liberating nations, helped and guided by the Armies of the world. Most of the Armies are already under the control of the White Hats. The goals of the Aies are to secure the the existence of the populations in the nations, respecting local Constitutions, if they have one, so, it was not too difficult for the White Hats to take over the Armies of the world – they have all the same goals.
Thank you a lot for your kind attention,
Alberto Levy
By the way - I am waiting for November 4, 2024, elections day in the USA, to see the further developments of the war.
If the nations will win (there is no other choice, the world described by Orwell is truly terrible) there will be the NESARA - GESARA law in the world, it is a law that redefines the future banking and financial system, with currencies based on a certain quantity of gold and the return of part of the money stolen by the global super rich to the nations and the people. The refund will probably be to the various governments and a certain part directly into our pockets, the common people.
Fuellmich's letter:
The lawyer Dr. Rainer Fuellmich was recently arrested by Germany officials in the USA with a devious subterfuge, he is currently in a German prison due to a fake case prepared against him by the secret services who infiltrated his ICIC organization, he founded. Why? Because when an esteemed well known lawyer with an international reputation reveals the truth, his words have a great impact on the people, they can destroys any regime's brainwashing attempt on the people.
Adv. Fuellmich writes:
"When I started researching the corona virus, I found out that it was all a scam. “Global warming” and the “crisis in Ukraine” are scams as well. The corona was a psychological experiment having the aim to controll all humans, by a total control. “If we manage to get you to not visit your grandparents and lock yourself in a room, we can later get you to do whatever we want”, controllers thought.
The goal of all that was to thin out the population, to eliminate/kill billions of people, and for all the rest to become submissive and obedient slaves. They wanted us to kill ourselves with the injections. It didn't start in the years of the corona scam. They have been making the children obedient for years with the help of the "education" system.
And are engaged in making us live under constant fear. With the purpose to let us become all stupid and obedient throughout fear. Following the intense questioning 450 big experts I can say that the people who took over all the positions of power in the world, in science, in medicine, practically in everything, are dangerous psychopaths, and they need you scared and confused, because that way they can get into your bed and control you even there. This is what happened also in Germany after the First World War: the German people were hysterical, and tey were a convenient platform for the American financial mafia to plant there their agent, Hitler, in Germany.
A German philosopher named Immanuel Kant said: "If you want to be called a person, don't let another person tell you what to do or not, you must use your brain and make your own decisions."

[1] A note on Pascal Najadi. The man is a multi-millionaire, son of a Swiss bank owner who was murdered a few years ago. He recently produced a documentary that was seen by millions of viewers. In early June 2024 I learned that Mr. Najadi is an anti-Semite of the worst kind imaginable. Despite this, the article he wrote and was published by the big media channel CNBC includes details that I believe are correct. In his article the man mentions various well-known figures from the "Awakened" community, and I assume that he also gave large sums of money to some people, to obtain reliable and specific information. I decided to publish here what he wrote and was published, even though he is a dangerous anti-Semite, practically on the same level as monsters like Adolf Hitler himself, because the article is well written and his quotes are correct.

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