Persecuted Minister Has Miraculous Door Open in Refugee Camp

7 months ago

This short report includes updates from the role we played in the divine intervention seen in Trump's assassination attempt to an update on my newest book, "The Tests of an Apostle." It is inspired by Revelation 2:2 which speaks of our the Church at Ephesus tested those who said they were apostles. We'll take a biblical look at those tests.

Then you'll find an update on some of our compassion works. You'll see a children's program at Jesus Christ Prayer House as well as hear an update on the widows and orphan projects there. Then you will hear an AMAZING testimony from our minister John Mark.

Remember, they escaped the war zone earlier this year. When they arrived in India they were not received well. Stones were throne at them and even some in government told them they were not welcome. They don't like orphans. They persecuted them.

Now, their persecutors have asked John Mark to interpret for them at a Burmese refugee camp. The Burmese are the ones oppressing them in Myanmar. Then they asked him to share Christ with this refugee camp. So the persecutors have invited our minister to share Christ with their oppressors.

Amazing, absolutely an amazing testimony.

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