Trade Wars: Maids VS Construction Workers

8 months ago

I've obtained new GoNoob footage from my source who had to lay-low for a while; had legal issues from the Marsupial Deep State🐨🐨🐨, but the propaganda peddlers will lie and say it was 'cause Brenda done found his new mailing address and summoned him for back child pay - fight the good fight, like O.D.B., R.I.P! 💯✌✌🙏🙏🙏 It shows recent historical-past footage of our future present Real-Reality©™® of the ongoing struggle mankind 👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻👩🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏼 has in surviving now that the robits 🤖🤖🤖 done took our jobs. This is a battle between the Maids 🧹🧽🧼 and Construction Workers 🔨👷‍♂️🧰 from the year 2026, after the Earth coin was in the giant's pocket too long, getting hot and cooling off too rapidly after buying a candy bar 🍬🌌from the intergalactic vending machine known as the "Milky Way Galaxy" (hence the name for the Galaxy, the candy bar made by MARS, where real-reality began, and why Australia has been terraformed after Mars) causing "California" 🐻🌲 (San Andreas if we were in real-reality, California isn't real, only an illusion) to be snowy and actually bearable, which is the 2nd best thing about "Global" (coin) Warming; Greata memes being number one: "HOW DARE YOU" work for the Marsupial 🦘🦘🦘 people is the real-reality question, Greta!!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

#🤖=👷🏿‍♂️🆚🤡🆚🧹=💣💥🗺 #🚫🐨🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ #🚫🍌🥞✌🚕 #🌎🥿🚫📀 #🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🚢🌉 #🌍🕳🅾🥿 #🚫☝(🤮👨G💰)4️⃣🏁🔴⚪🔵 #Joe Biden, #Donald Trump, #Science, #Fact, #Real, #Proof, #Lizard People, #Lizzo People, #Flat Earth, #Atlantis, #NWO, #WW3, #Aliens (the space kind), #WW4, #Bush, #Shrub, #Aliens (the border kind), #(0\/1] 19, #WW5, #Russia, #Ukraine, #Marsupial People (the REAL threat), #Kevin Phillips Bong!, #WW6, #Global Warming, #ManBearPig, #China (the country), #Hollow Earth, #P-Diddler, #Illuminati, #reddit, #You're it!, #Did You Get That Last One?, #China (the dishes), #Obama, #Michael Obama, #Mars, #Moonbases, #Alex Jones, #Sam-Squanch, #🙌🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌, #I'm Sure We've All Been Up At 3am And Seen A Video With Tags Like This

01:03---> Fire Fight
01:51---> Car-Nage
03:34---> Detailed Physics
04:37---> Up-N-Atomizer Antics
05:32---> GOOOAAALLL!!!
06:55---> Another GOOOAAALLL!!!
07:28---> Whoops!
07:55---> More Detailed Physics
08:14---> I Feel Kinda Bad About This One
08:57---> Aiding The Enemy
09:28---> DERP!
09:57---> Making A Speed Bump
10:14---> Picking Up A Split
10:40---> Car-Flip-Clipped
10:50---> Slow Thump
12:26---> More Car-Nage
13:31---> Boing!
16:17---> Bonk!
17:35---> Christine
18:15---> Mini Cooper Cuddle
18:50---> Wait For It...
19:42---> Public Service Announcement

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