Men Have Had It Harder Than Women Studies Discovered, But That Is Changing As NWO-Chaos Progresses

6 months ago

The "I, Pet Goat 2" clip is there to show that the NWO Agenda is to turn women into killers rather than nurturers. The science to redirect attitudes has been active since the women were encouraged to act more like the men.
Now the hardening of the female gender will be called to the front-lines of Masonic-arranged wars.
This is the wrong direction for a humanity that wishes not to go extinct, but the NWO minions plan destroying humanity for the old devils that they serve.

Also, workplace deaths is 90% likely to be male.
But the NWO Freemasons politicians are changing this.
Women used to show more wisdom to stay away from enlisting in wartime killing insanity.
But the Luciferians are changing this so that women will pick up guns to kill rather than producing and raising babies as much as in the past. I can assure you this is just conditioning/brainwashing of the sheeple.


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