Jesus Embraces Utter ‘Defeat’ to Achieve Eternal Victory – Mark 8:27–38

6 months ago

In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how Jesus embraces the 'defeat' of the Cross of Calvary, in literal fulfillment of His prophecies of centuries before (even planned before His creation of the universe).

Jesus embraces this 'defeat' at the very moment – were He a mythological hero (which He's not) – He would be engaging in battle to defeat His enemies. Once again, Jesus proves that He, and He alone, is not mythological.

Are you following Jesus' pattern, deferring to the Father's will, the Way of the Cross? Or do you follow myth's pattern, striving to ensnare others, seeking to crucify others, for your own gain? For more:

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