The Hermit and Hathors Energy Vlog

5 months ago

The Hermit and Hathors Energy Vlog title is from the date July 21, 2024 thus 36 which adds to# 9 the hermit card go within for inner Wisdom. The hathor comes from the Starseed oracle card we pulled today it comes with deep love; mother's Milk amd birth as a portal. I discussed the connect to the Anunnaki women that gave rise to humanity as a slave rece per Stitchin.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us two amplitudes. The first was a power of 37 at 9:05 AM UTC thus Temperance mitigate esthe wheel of Fortune kamric change. The second amplitude power of 29 at 11:30 AM UTC thus Temperance tells us to be balanced and healing as we seek Justice Fair and truthful. The quality power of 21 the Universe or world card bringing us completion, coming full circle on the Hero's Journey and new earth. The frequency average is 7.67 hertz thus # 20 the Judgement card a clarion call from archangel Gabriel. the Judgement at the end of an ageor aeon. Therefore , we can say: The Hermit with inner wisdom see the world is coming to Judgment day at the end of the age of Pisces. We had two card from the Starseed Oracle deck the first was the Surrender to th Sweetness card Venus energy the goddess of love Pleasure Joy and make love to life it is a gift from Divine source.
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